Example sentences of "[noun] looked up at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ruthven looked up at the birds wheeling and twisting against the blue sky .
2 Ajayi looked up at the door to the winding-stair expecting to see an attendant , but the voice had come from behind her , and she could see Quiss 's face starting to turn red , his eyes widening , the lines around them spreading out further .
3 The superintendent looked up at the SOCO , posing the question like a doctor checking the symptoms of a sickly patient .
4 As we entered the kitchen Pat looked up at the roof and the large gaping hole caused by a shell that had passed through two floors then smashed through the kitchen door , ending up in the garden .
5 The boy looked up at the plane , then threw himself to the ground .
6 Nicholson looked up at the grey stone building .
7 Rincewind looked up at a number of impassive , upside down faces .
8 Sir Gerard looked up at the sky .
9 Sharpe looked up at the weathercock on the stable roof and saw the wind had backed southerly .
10 Chen looked up at the camera and made the hand sign Liu Chang had taught him .
11 The two directors looked up at the top of the Opera House .
12 Lord Christopher looked up at the château again .
13 Ebert looked up at the big man defiantly , spitting the words back at him .
14 Carol looked up at the weathercock as the car drew up at her house in the cobbled square .
15 Rory looked up at the ceiling .
16 Graham looked up at the skies and sighed .
17 Julia looked up at the cloudless sky and felt the last of the day 's sun on her face .
18 Even the men cleaning their weapons looked up at the mention of the name .
19 Elaine looked up at the black , velvety sky studded with tiny , twinkling stars .
20 Dolly looked up at a knock on the door .
21 Mahmoud looked up at the cook .
22 Grimly , Delaney looked up at the sky .
23 Holding her , Anna looked up at the others .
24 Shelley looked up at the orange moon , slung low behind the ornate roofs of the seaside town .
25 Willie looked up at the shadow that the man 's body was casting across her face .
26 Tabitha looked up at the colossal walls of seamless pink stone rising hundreds of metres overhead , disappearing up into the dark .
27 Neighbours looked up at the dark windows at night and wondered what could be hidden there , under dust sheets .
28 At midnight the solitary guard leaning in the shadows looked up at the conjoining planets and wondered idly what change in his fortunes they might herald .
29 Masie looked up at the smoke belching from the red funnel .
30 Shaking the water from her matted hair and sodden white lab coat while drawing a series of relieved gulps of air , the woman looked up at the Marines with a weak smile .
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