Example sentences of "[noun] reached [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It did not follow that Coopers reached the same conclusion as Peats by following the same reasoning .
2 Of course , individual reformers did not need to be committed Philosophical Idealists in order to adhere to the new image ; old-fashioned ageism reached the same conclusion and had more or less the same remedies for the ‘ problem ’ .
3 Recently , a study of the causes of corporate failure in the UK reached the same conclusion .
4 When put to work on new patient data , the neural computer reached the same diagnosis as the consultant in almost 90 per cent of cases .
5 The stable reached the same total over jumps when Dominant Serenade won at Kelso .
6 It was found that women on the high fat diet gained weight more easily than women on the low fat diet and a similar project for men reached the same conclusion .
7 In Hart v. Edinburgh District Licensing Board , 1987 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 54 , the sheriff reached the same conclusion , but for different reasons , holding that 17 effectively repealed the concluding words of the proviso to 5.6(3) on the ground that they were merely an erroneous re-enactment of the corresponding part of the 1959 Act ; see also Clive v. Nithsdale District Licensing Board , 1987 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 113 .
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