Example sentences of "[noun] set off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Having established himself at Ince , Killigrew set off for the busy mercantile town of Plymouth , where he soon fell in with a merchant , Tremayne , who had a daughter , Mary .
2 As the Renault set off down the drive , Vitor placed an arm around Ashley 's shoulders .
3 The jeep force set off in the late afternoon of 26 July , with about forty miles to cover to the coastal plain .
4 They switched on the car 's headlights as a beacon ; but , all of a sudden , as the Prince and his companions were half-way across the water , the lights swung round and moved away as the vehicle set off down the glen .
5 Pointer set off through the trees with a loping stride .
6 The most geologically interesting and romantically appealing of the three islands is Niuafo'ou , a sunken volcanic caldera set off to the west .
7 Early that afternoon , as soon as she could get away from a lunch with colleagues from her department , Loretta set off for the Sunday Herald building .
8 The helicopter and a standby vessel spotted a flare set off by the crew and stayed in the vicinity until the men were winched to safety by an RAF helicopter .
9 No idea what time Vern set off for the bus , but it must be time for the next one by now .
10 Rather later than planned Rain set off for the Old Mitre pub .
11 Julia set off towards the Dorsoduro , beginning to feel really ill with a headache pounding behind her left eyebrow , smarting eyes , a rasped throat and a nose that felt as though it were stuffed with hot , wet flannel with a few pins in it , but even so she decided to give her lesson .
12 This may mean that he had remained in the region when the court set off for the midlands at the end of June .
13 This may mean that he had remained in the region when the court set off for the midlands at the end of June .
14 After watching the train steam away with Christian waving from an open carriage window until he was out of sight , Carrie and Seb set off on the return journey in the gig .
15 Pretty certain this must be the man , Paige set off down the street , stopping every now and then to look in shop windows and cast surreptitious glances backwards .
16 Joseph set off for the door but Rain got there first .
17 Although the old colours ranged widely and included deep or light red , blue , ‘ grizzle ’ and all-white , nearly all had white finching and white on the belly and face and early selection was made for the famous white face in contrast to a deep , rich red body colour set off by the white brisket , belly , legs , shoulder stripe and tail switch .
18 The bearer set off along the wide , dusty street .
19 On the contrary , all seemed set fair , and when they had loaded the packing-cases on to the cart Matey and McAllister set off for the church hall , to lay out the stall , to have everything ready for the afternoon 's visitors , Dr Neil having promised to come along to help them .
20 We were glad enough that the weather seemed set fair for the remainder of our voyage and next morning set off on the last few miles of our northerly course to round the utmost tip of Shetland .
21 At a slightly uneven stagger the coffin set off down the aisle .
22 DALY , John : When rookie pro ‘ Long ’ John Daly set off for the 1991 US PGA Championship , he did n't even know whether he would get to play .
23 The colonel set off for the airport with the general in custody .
24 Undaunted the helicopter crew managed to recover the remaining survivors in very difficult conditions , and will all four survivors aboard the helicopter the remaining tow line was cut and the lifeboat set off to the north east to return to her station .
25 In September 1316 Edward retained him for a very large fee in return for the promise of his service with a commensurately large retinue ; and shortly afterwards he and Pembroke set off for the papal curia on a mission which had the repeal of the Ordinances as one of its objectives .
26 We put our litter back into our rucksacks as all the bins were full to overflowing , and Elinor and Otley set off in the direction of Fair Hill where all the caravans were resting .
27 Wilcock set off for the New World .
28 The Doctor set off down the slope .
29 On the far long side , his grey form set off against the freshly raked dark tan of the peat floor , Theodora saw what she had clearly been brought to see .
30 Goodnights were exchanged and George set off down the lane with Elizabeth , Sarah and their mother .
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