Example sentences of "[noun] associated with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 84% felt it covered all aspects associated with the subject matter .
2 There are many parameters associated with the performance of a system , and their relevance will vary according to the use of the system : some systems may be designed for single users with a particular style of writing ; others may attempt to be more generalised and therefore need training .
3 : To determine the optimum settings for a range of parameters associated with the overlap algorithm .
4 However , self-preservation requires not only that the mean velocity distribution should be similar , but also that all the parameters associated with the turbulence should have similar distributions at different stations .
5 Evidence for traders associated with the food market and with the provision of accommodation for travellers is even more restricted .
6 The Middle to Upper Dalradian Tayvallich Formation is a thick ( up to 5 km ) series of submarine basic tholeiitic lavas and high level intrusions associated with the development of the Dalradian extensional basin in western Scotland ( Leake , 1982 ) .
7 Therefore the disadvantage associated with the south western sector from the point of view of attracting commuters from Leeds , is less than it might be thought .
8 Originally , the cross celebrated the vernal equinox and the rites of spring associated with the goddess Eostre , from whose name it is said the Venerable Bede derived the name for Easter .
9 The air conditioning units associated with the Library rolling stack shelving on the third floor have been replaced .
10 Serotonin is a low level nerve transmitter which naturally makes people feel alert and happy , and these are the sensations associated with the drug .
11 There is a good deal of industry associated with the city , but for the most part it is not heavy industry .
12 If it is not due to diagnostic suspicion bias then postulated mechanisms might include changes in gall bladder contractility associated with the progesterone content , or increased cholesterol saturation of bile due to the oestrogen content .
13 One further aspect of dress violation associated with the theatre also contravened divine and natural law : the abomination of boys dressing as girls .
14 It is estimated that the cost of such a system of local government would be around £1 million , against the £18 million projected savings associated with the creation of a single council for Edinburgh and the Lothians .
15 As well as reviewing the leasing of equipment , they must also consider the power and labour associated with the laundry .
16 ‘ Chapman thought deeply about an infinite variety of subjects associated with the game , ’ Bob Wall writes .
17 The companies involved ( and they included , apart from Rolls Royce , British Nuclear Fuels and Michelin ) will understand more about the nature and role of colleges and the quality and originality of the thinking displayed by the students , and all those at the college associated with the scheme , and not just the students themselves , will know , hopefully , more about the pressures , opportunities and working style of a major company .
18 In addition , certain specific characteristics associated with the liver ( shy and fearful ) are also required , while others ( angry , quarrelsome , brave ) are definitely not part of the Chewong person .
19 Simple diffusion models of the Atlantic Ocean yield surface salinity drops in the North Atlantic of 3–10 per cent during the meltwater pulses associated with the collapse of the ice sheets .
20 The music halls , professional football , the ‘ penny dreadful ’ comics and the ‘ penny bloods ’ which were said to be inducements to crime and immorality , the rowdy presence of working-class people at seaside resorts on Bank Holiday excursions , the evening promenade of young people that was ridiculed by their elders as the ‘ monkey parade ’ , the depravity and violence associated with the pub — they all came under attack at different times .
21 Although the meeting led to an immediate increase in recruitment , the BUF lost the propaganda war concerning responsibility for the violence associated with the occasion , and in retrospect it marked the turning-point in the fortunes of the movement .
22 The violence associated with the BUF from the outset , and which continuing throughout its history , represented an interaction of mutually opposed and conflicting forces .
23 But , as 1992 approaches , and with the violence associated with the game so closely tied up with the image of England 's fans , it is the challenge of European integration which must provide new directions for the people 's game .
24 This , of course , assumes that individuals have enough information to assess accurately the net advantages of the exchange , and this would include an assessment of the risks associated with the contract .
25 The level of premium charged will depend on the payment terms , the buyer involved and the payment risks associated with the buyer 's country .
26 However , the majority view is that the public are well served by highly-skilled professionals trying to manage the increasing risks associated with the type of work at the commercial and spiritual hearts of their livelihoods .
27 Dealers said both institutional fund managers and private client investors — having seen the latest opinion poll results pointing a much closer finish to the election than previously expected — decided that the potential gains following a surprise Tory victory this morning actually outweighed the risks associated with the formation of a Labour government .
28 To prevent further cases the Indian community in the United Kingdom should be made aware of the risks associated with the use of ethnic remedies , and their distribution and sale should be monitored .
29 In addition , income security for a long period decreases the risks associated with the investment .
30 A WHO study , in which health centres in nine developing countries collaborated in an effort to determine the effects of family formation patterns upon health , analysed the health risks associated with the number and spacing of pregnancies , maternal age , birth order and family size of samples of eligible women under age 45 .
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