Example sentences of "[noun] drawn down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was frowning , deep lines appearing between her eyebrows , mouth drawn down at the edges so that instead of a classically good-looking slim English Rose in her late twenties , she looked faded , years older than her real age , and shrewish .
2 Your eyes drawn down to the bitter earth .
3 Funerals were within living memory ceremonial rites engaging whole communities — blinds drawn down across the street , the pomp of plumed horses and the procession of followers , traffic momentarily halted , the bereaved publicly showing their sorrow for months in the long wearing of black afterwards ; monuments and cemeteries were focuses of family and civic pride ; fear of a pauper grave was so powerful that death insurance was by far the most widespread Victorian insurance policy .
4 Blinds drawn down in the heat of the day had made an oasis of quiet shadow , a source of energy that could be drawn on now like a pool of pure water guarded from the dust of the track .
5 When she came back into the office Dexter sat comatose , his eyelids drawn down like the venetian blinds , the only sign of wakefulness his fingers flicking absentmindedly through the pages of a gay magazine he had hidden inside one on gardening .
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