Example sentences of "[noun] drawn [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Central Asia 's ethnically based republics were invented after the 1917 revolution , their artificial borders drawn up in the 1920s and 1930s , leaving thousands of Uzbeks , Kirgiz , Kazakhs and others in the ‘ wrong ’ republic .
2 As he stepped forward the chocolate hackles rose on the cat , its mouth drawn back in a snarl .
3 John asked , lips drawn back in a sarcastic sneer .
4 For a long time he remained motionless like this , his body arched backward , his teeth clenched , his lips drawn back in a silent rictus of ecstatic agony .
5 Martin charging down on Dobson ; Martin , eyes glaring and lips drawn back in a feral snarl ; Martin , arm raised and baton coming down again and again on Dobson 's head ; Martin , growling savagely at the yobs , daring them to interfere ; Martin , turing angrily as the sergeant pulled the baton from his hand ; finally , Martin , white and shaking , as he looked down disbelievingly at the unconscious Dobson .
6 The process begun under Edward I was continued in July 1333 when , at Halidon Hill , outside Berwick , the English showed that they had learned to coordinate the use of ‘ traditional ’ cavalry with the ‘ new ’ archer force , the combination on this occasion being that of archers and dismounted men-at-arms drawn up in a defensive position which showed what successes a measure of flexibility could bring to an army led by men willing to experiment .
7 At the RSPCA 's Centenary Conference in Oxford , a tall slim woman with greying hair drawn back in a pony tail , unobtrusively dressed in a shirt and slacks , came to the podium .
8 Unfortunately , whether the contract drawn up in the first place has been a correct one or not , I 'm not sure .
9 Blinds drawn down in the heat of the day had made an oasis of quiet shadow , a source of energy that could be drawn on now like a pool of pure water guarded from the dust of the track .
10 The Keep Sunday Special Campaign has been fortunate in getting its proposals for reform of the legislation for Sunday trading drawn out in the ballot for Private Members ' Bills .
11 Legislation to tackle joyriding drawn up in the wake of last summer 's Tyneside riots comes into effect tomorrow .
12 Paul lay in the sunlight curled up into a little ball , quite still , and Blyth was lying on his stomach , hands under his cheek , the stump of his left leg drawn up in the flowers and the grass , sticking out from his shorts like some monstrous erection .
13 The existing LFA boundaries are based largely on a line drawn up in the 1940s and hardly modified since .
14 The parchment was merely a list drawn up in a clerkly hand describing the effects and property of one ‘ Patrick Seton Esquire ’ .
15 Roman troops as such scarcely appear after the first decade of the fifth century in any source , except the Notitia Dignitatum , which appears to be an idealized list drawn up in the 420s , and not a statement of the reality of the imperial fighting forces .
16 She stood alone in the glimmering , grey room , hair in a squall , face drawn up in a squint of concentration .
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