Example sentences of "[noun] needed [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , except for flows at untypically low Reynolds number , even the most powerful current computers can not handle all the data needed for a full numerical analysis of turbulent motion .
2 If there were no possibility of obtaining the pipework needed for the above solution , the line h-f indicates the catastrophic failure in the general meaning of the word as well as that of Thom .
3 Furthermore , many of these students " have not the degree of human sensibility needed for the complete assimilation of a poem …
4 He suggests the construction of a continuum of categories , each with its set of conditional factors , in which the practitioner could decide upon the degree of directiveness or non-directiveness needed in a specific situation .
5 But you would lack all the vitamins , minerals and protein needed for a healthy diet .
6 Later , you 'll use races to help monitor your progress , but first of all you need to go through some basic steps to establish the habits and strengths needed for a good running programme .
7 They all groan under the weight of books needed for the current volume .
8 2 Provide any dressing equipment needed for the early days after discharge .
9 Other laboratories test particular products , but CRL is probably the only one which can cover the full range of equipment needed in the cold chain .
10 In effect it gave the UK all the frequencies needed for a nationwide Carfax service on a dedicated lattice .
11 However , Trotsky also recognized that to effect the massive social change needed in the Soviet Union a professional , trained and expert apparatus was needed .
12 Steady pressure , however , persuaded the National Heritage Memorial Fund to provide the endowment needed for the National Trust to take it on .
13 The degree aims to provide students with a sound knowledge of the basic principles , concepts and techniques of business management , with specific reference to their application in the banking and financial services industry ; an understanding of the structure and operation of the industry in a European context ; and the critical , analytical , communications and inter-personal skills needed for a successful career in this rapidly developing field .
14 There was still hope for Britain if the old qualities of stoicism and the knack of handling ‘ native ’ races could be combined with the scientific and management skills needed in the modern world .
15 Banks and other lenders may be too risk-averse , or too unfamiliar with the new business , to lend the money needed through the early loss-making years .
16 In general , all restores would then be carried out from the optical disk , minimising the number of mounts needed for the magnetic media .
17 The Suez operation smacked too much of a Normandy-style landing , and too little of the quick military reaction needed in the nuclear era , which is also the era of instant communication and mass-media debate on a world scale .
18 Even with their dedication and commitment , one must feel concern about their ability to measure up to the infrastructure needed for a viable community care programme .
19 Curran said : ‘ I 'm convinced that to finish top of the table we must win our remaining two home games with at least a victory and a draw needed in the away ties .
20 We did manage to cut the angles needed for a six-sided frame , but found the manual 's description of the formula to find the lengths of frame rather too brief .
21 The point is that , with the increased powers of the authorities , there is a greater chance that the requisite evidence needed for a successful prosecution will be more readily available , requiring the insider dealer to further refine his cost benefit calculus in deciding whether to engage in the insider dealing .
22 Was biochemical oxygen demand ( the amount of oxygen in the water needed for the aerobic decomposition of sewage plant effluent ) no greater than 8 mg/litre ?
23 This is because the conditions needed for the Big Bang had to be so finely tuned — to an amazing one part in 10&sup60 ; ( a big number even on a cosmic scale ) — that the most minute variations would not have permitted any life at all to develop .
24 an in and ecta er , an industry day done where you know , it 's about the qualities needed in the young person , they have a certificate that they 're going to have to say they 've got these qualities , right ?
25 Awareness of the indicators , the possible irregularities , the resources needed for a fast and accurate investigation , experience of the quality of evidence required to support a successful case and the expertise to assembly and present that evidence .
26 Having allocated the human and other resources needed for the overall design task it is then appropriate to develop a more detailed model of the system functions in terms of materials , energy and information flow .
27 He ended by warning that if there was no indication of how the world was going to handle the issue of transfer of technology and financial resources needed by the developing countries , there would be no strengthening of the convention and even the ones already in might opt out .
28 The Act can also be used to acquire ancillary rights needed in the national interest to facilitate the working of minerals .
29 However , it was a pity that Greg Lewin was interviewed by somebody only knowledgeable about corncrakes ; it would have been interesting to know whether Greg has done anything about the diabolical fingering needed on the ancient form of the racket .
30 In the event , few attempts at car restraint were made because it was assumed that the money would be found for reconstruction , but in the crisis-ridden post-1960s British economy , available funds never approached the levels needed for a widespread application of environmental area principles .
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