Example sentences of "[noun] to look at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I want David to look at another skin rash .
2 Phoned all day , he said , you 'd better get the engineers to look at that telephone of yours .
3 ‘ He also showed a remarkable capacity to look at any form of contract and identify both the things that needed taking out and what has been wrongly omitted .
4 It holds ‘ blitz ’ evenings where couples have under five minutes to look at each other before fixing up dates .
5 When shall we ask Jackie and Tom to look at that photo ?
6 Labour members of the Select Committee on Procedure obtained permission from the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Chief Labour Whip to look at this omission in the 1968–9 session .
7 Right has everyone had a chance to look at some stuff since last time ?
8 Elizabeth and I used with amusement to look at each other 's horoscope in the newspapers , but without credulity : I explained to her that even if one believed in astrology they must be regarded as nonsense , being entirely unscientific and paying no attention to the hour of birth and therefore to the ‘ rising sign ’ .
9 ‘ Each Church will have to look at its own organisation and how it faces up to the problem but the element of mutual trust enables people to look at each other also . ’
10 The lady was so impressed , she called her assistant to look at this miracle ‘ All done in one week ! ’
11 I know the under manager went off to Italy to look at this saw .
12 Now in order to look at this relationship between labour and capital and output total product simultaneously we need to draw a 3 D diagram , alright , but because my diagrams are bad enough in 2 D what we are going to do is we are going to constrain one of these factors , right , so what we will do is we will pick a level of ou a level of capital input , right , and we will see what happens to total product as we vary labour .
13 But I would say that the way to look at this site is to ask whether it is part of the built area , in other words whether it is built on , or whether it is not part of the built area , in other words it is not built on .
14 Yes , er er I mean I agree with you Chairman entirely , I mean the arguments have been made before and I will just say them again , that I think the District Council are quite remiss er in asking for this sum of money , particularly in view of the reason that the , the , the field is there , which is for the recreation of the people who live in the estate , and the back end of Southwell , and it always has been , er and that is a responsibility that has been taken on by this Parish Council , and if , if , if they feel that they , they wish to persist in asking an unreasonable price , and let's face it , the District Council is in a position to look at this situation and say , the Parish Council is doing an excellent job , we will sell them this land for a figure that they can afford .
15 We took our eyes off the map to look at each other , at first in surprise and then , as the rumbling grew to a roar , in terror .
16 If you 're working alone one way of dealing with it is for the class to look at each side in turn : they can all play the townspeople who want to join the survey team , and then all play those who do n't want the railway to come through the town .
17 And it is worth taking a little time to look at this personage .
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