Example sentences of "[noun] stood at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Myles edged in , hands twisting the brim of his hat , while the young priest stood at the door looking curiously on .
2 Donna stood at the window a moment longer , gazing out at the people in the street below .
3 The Countess of Donnington stood at the window of the first-floor sitting room , intent on the street below .
4 ‘ You said someone who had been travelling through snow stood at the back of the church . ’
5 Gaveston stood at the end of the gallery , leaning nonchalantly against the wall .
6 A minibus with the words ‘ Conway House ’ emblazoned across its side stood at the entrance , its driver talking to Sybil and David .
7 The Feldwebel stood at the entrance to the corridor turning away people who wanted to come in .
8 Li Yuan stood at the rail , looking out across the darkness of the lake , his sense of ease , of inner stillness , lulling him so that for a time he seemed aware only of the dull murmur of the voices behind him and the soft lapping of the water against the wooden posts of the jetty .
9 WITH the ice cracking and groaning underfoot and the wind etching their faces , Robert Swan stood at the North Pole and turned to the woman for whom he had just walked to the end of the earth .
10 The stench which rose from below , to where Ruth stood at the top of the hatchway , was worse than anything she could ever have imagined .
11 The packing had been done in the basement to avoid break ages , and the two crates stood at the foot of the stairs .
12 Helen stood at the window , drinking apple juice and thing about Adrian .
13 A glass of untasted wine stood at the side of the cake , a round red something at its base .
14 Lina , her mother Dolores , and old Abuelo stood at the door as the congregation filed in , gossiping and excited , as the band played and the organist competed with it .
15 I will go so far as to concede that taken in isolation , ripped away from the defining context of humour and irony and friendship , studied in their literal or surface sense only , then , yes , the words I spoke in that room as Robert stood at the window pretending to take me seriously could be understood to mean that during the past six or seven years I had gone to bed with more than one hundred and fifty prostitutes .
16 Penry stood at the foot of the stairs , looking up at her .
17 Penry stood at the foot of the stairs , frowning as she plugged in the transistor to listen to Radio Four while she ate .
18 One meeting of particular significance was with a young dissenting bookseller called Joseph Cottle , whose shop stood at the corner of Corn Street and High Street , a few yards from Southey 's birthplace .
19 Oliver stood at the door of the room .
20 A year later another branch to Holt , ultimately Cromer , was completed and Melton stood at the centre of a minor railway junction .
21 A blue Daimler stood at the edge of this area .
22 Jessamy stood at the window for a very long time .
23 Our Father 's wife stood at the end of her bunk .
24 My memories of cardiac teaching rounds are of a dozen students queueing to listen to a murmur while the registrar stood at the end of the bed swinging a stethoscope and staring out of the window .
25 One hour later , Rose stood at the window of his room looking down at the harbour scene .
26 Two androids stood at the door , pointing their weapons in his direction .
27 Much later Meg stood at the bottom of the slope , looking out across the water .
28 When Marjorie went back into her own garden , Emmie stood at the door and heard her say , ‘ Nick , it 's too ridiculous , they ca n't go on like this , that child 's worn out .
29 A battery of guns stood at the edge of the village , some cavalry horses stood unsaddled in the street beyond , and a battalion of infantry was bivouacked in a field to the right of the guns , but otherwise the enemy was hidden , and so Sharpe stuck with his earlier estimate .
30 The citizens of Riverbank stood at the water 's edge and stared in horror at the two on the opposite bank .
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