Example sentences of "[noun] use it [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only one group use it to any marked degree in navigation .
2 He shows that the maize is an important political symbol ; that people use it in ritual exchanges ; that its by-products are useful in ways unique to it ; in short , that it is effective in areas of life other than nutrition .
3 A non-pedigree dog is always referred to as a mongrel and , strictly speaking , this is the correct term for a non-pedigree cat , but few people use it in this way .
4 I I 'm not sure that we 've had a very helpful description of what sustainable means , erm I suspect people use it in different ways and ther there is no er er common usage established of what it means here , there is no dictionary definition .
5 In that case use it in scientific and then it will work that way .
6 At present Albert Park is closed in the evening but officers are aware the public use it during that time .
7 Spiders use it for all kinds of purposes — making egg-sacs , lining nests , weaving tents for their babies and as safety lines when they jump .
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