Example sentences of "[noun] response to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We received an encouraging 50% response to the questionnaire , with 63 of the 129 initial pilot centres sending us their replies .
2 If interactionism was the leftist response to the inadequacies and failures of positivism , the new deterrence writers represent much more the response of the right ( although neither category is ideologically homogeneous ) .
3 MEMO : Branch response to the draft Powys Structure Plan
4 But nothing would settle the issue more abruptly than a DoH response to a challenge issued by Pam Charlwood who , when Institute of Health Services Management director , demanded the government ‘ sort out the differences between social and health care ’ .
5 Some Institute members have already raised questions about , for example , the lack of a Tax Faculty response to the Institute of Taxation 's stance on the exam proposals in the first programme .
6 This is how one school has used a formula-based system as a management response to a resource distribution problem .
7 As we have explained earlier in the book , insulin response to the carbohydrate foods we eat varies with the speed of absorption of the carbohydrate .
8 The choreography remains a moment by moment response to the poems and , awkwardly , these themselves are not especially good .
9 Mohamed Sahnoun , the special representative in Somalia of UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali , resigned on Oct. 27 , reportedly after being rebuked in a letter from Boutros-Ghali for criticising the UN response to the crisis .
10 The present study has highlighted a difference in the serum IgA response to a Giardia antigen , Giardia heat shock antigen in acute and chronic infection .
11 The conservationists response to the Pearce report
12 At one month after eradication of H pylori in duodenal ulcer patients we observed a more marked rise in postprandial pH consistent with a reduced acid response to the meal .
13 The output response to the input spectrum is where Therefore the time dependence of the output signal is given by
14 The basal concentrations are increased by approximately 50% , and the integrated gastrin response to a meal is increased by approximately 100% .
15 The two-three fold increase in gastrin response to gastrin releasing peptide in the H pylori positive healthy volunteers is consistent with their previously reported two-three fold increased gastrin response to a meal .
16 This is consistent with our previous findings that the gastrin response to a meal is exaggerated by a similar extent in H pylori positive duodenal ulcer patients and H pylori positive healthy volunteers .
17 So the adult response to a child 's tears is more likely to be a brushing aside than an extension of sympathy .
18 And even if not , the lessons from the end of the Ice Age suggest that we are going to need much more than Thames Barriers in the absence of an effective international policy response to the greenhouse effect .
19 Henry III 's schemes — in Germany , Italy and Sicily — ultimately collapsed , to his cost , but they represented a Plantagenet response to the events of 1204–59 which had resulted in the dynasty 's displacement from their central and prestigious place in European politics .
20 Indeed , in its White Paper response to the Widdicombe Report ( Department of Environment et al . ,
21 As far as evaluation efforts by academic librarians in general are concerned , the primary problem has been the lack of student response to the process and the consequent impossibility of reaching sufficiently valid conclusions on the basis of small evaluation returns .
22 THE OFFICIAL who led the local authority response to the Lockerbie disaster , Neil McIntosh , now chief executive of Strathclyde regional council , is to be honoured by an American university .
23 No doubt the rapid growth of the Clarion Clubs , spreading the socialist cause by bike , was another of the spectres haunting Old England in its alarmist response to the pedal cycle :
24 On Jan. 18 the Hungarian government had called for a complete Soviet withdrawal by no later than the end of 1991 [ for Hungarian Defence Minister 's non-committal response to a suggestion to the same effect in December 1989 , see p. 37130 ] .
25 He found no responsivity to the reflex blink elicited by the air puff but as the animal learned to make the conditioned eyeblink response to the tone , electrical activity was noted .
26 There is indeed a degree of circularity about simple models which explain industrialisation primarily in terms of a mass-production response to an expansion of the home market induced by population growth in favourable circumstances .
27 The state response to the problem of rising youth unemployment was to introduce the Youth Opportunities Programme ( known as YOP ) in 1977 .
29 The Government response to the Genn study for the Lord Chancellor 's Department may answer some of these questions .
30 The limited nature of government response to the process of national reform was explained by the relatively lower level of attention which was paid to curriculum than to mechanisms of money .
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