Example sentences of "[noun] left [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Theories of personal development , or of the historical and sociological development of humanity , which ignore it or dispense with it , make psychoanalytic theory less advanced than it was when Freud left it at the end of his life .
2 As all areas were initially classified as class I and II , the EPA left it to the states to redesignate some class II areas as class III , or even to upgrade such areas to class I ( Stern , 1977 ) .
3 Corbett left them at The Bull , its narrow windows draped with black crepe in mourning for the landlord whose coffin now stood outside the main door , perched rather crazily on its wooden trestles .
4 97 Squadron of Lancasters left us at the end of April to return to Coningsby in Lincolnshire , from whence they had come , and with the loss of life drastically cut down , some of the pressure and sadness lifted , to be replaced by pressure of a different kind .
5 ‘ The old girl left us in the dark , ’ said Iris with a jerk of her head towards the empty desk .
6 Manners , defending his actions , said that the Select Committee left it to the executive Government to select the style and the architects , and he had only acted accordingly .
7 Mrs Rose left him at the station and returned alone to London .
8 Rose left it on the coffee table by her husband 's chair , and when he had had his usual mixed fry-up and was preparing to have his snooze , his eye caught it as it lay there .
9 His departure left us on the not very charismatic score of 69 for 6 .
10 ‘ all had been agreed between the husband and the manager on the Friday , and … the manager left it to the husband to persuade the wife to come to the bank on the Monday to execute the charge and sign the guarantee .
11 ‘ Why do you think your father left them in the first place ? ’
12 Park Court , which houses Hilda 's flat , was at one time an outhouse for a local manor , but in 1931 the owner left it to the local council who then converted it into a fire station .
13 When I had the baby , Stephen , the screws left me in the outside hospital but they took my clothes .
14 Organised by the same curator as the Bagatelle exhibition , Solange Auzias de Turenne , ‘ Moore Intime ’ features a life-size reconstruction of rooms from Moore 's house , ‘ Hoglands ’ , complete with contents down to the books in the same order as the artist left them in the bookcases , and items from his art collection which served as inspiration for his work .
15 A HEALTHY baby girl whose twin sister died mysteriously in hospital , had ended up severely brain damaged after doctors left her in the care of nurse Beverley Allitt , a court heard yesterday .
16 Oxford left it until the second half for their equaliser .
17 There is still a skid mark from one end of the runway to where the ‘ Fury left it at the other end .
18 Kath left them at the lift , and as the doors closed she caught a glimpse of him crouching down and talking to the little lad , his warm brown eyes kindly and concerned .
19 Even when Guy left her for the few seconds it took him to remove his own clothes , his murmured words of love and praise still warmed and reassured her .
20 I asked myself why Jean-Claude left me in the dark .
21 Once Keith left it at the home of some guy he 'd had a one night stand with , and when he went back to get it he was so embarrassed he had sex with the guy again , which was a mistake for both of them .
22 In the case of two of the charges , the court held that , Mrs. Aboody having come to the bank herself to execute the charges , it could not be said that the bank left it to the husband to obtain the wife 's signature .
23 Politically , the Danzig Poles and Kaszubians were leaderless and the departure of the gentry left them in the indifferent care of a German Catholic hierarchy .
24 The steppes were the first to be affected , so that in June alone over a million peasants left them for the Volga .
25 The bleeding persisted and Jean was very weak when Jim left her at the maternity ward .
26 The vet left them in the staff room while they tried to discuss Lizzie 's future .
27 Hereford left it to the bitter end to secure their 1-1 draw .
28 The structure has suffered little at the hand of man , or from the lapse of time , so that without much imagination it is possible to picture it as the builders left it about the year 1410 .
29 But Mr. de Lacy submits that both it and the previous cases which it applied are clearly distinguishable from the instant case because they all rested upon the critical circumstances that the lender or creditor in each case left it to the principal debtor to obtain , in such a way as he thought fit , the execution of the document .
30 Its former owner , the late Audrey Barrie-Brown left it to the Roman Research Trust and asked that it be turned into an educational centre .
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