Example sentences of "[noun] it is essential [that] " in BNC.

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1 Where land is bought at auction it is essential that the purchaser or his solicitor undertakes the necessary searches and reads carefully the smallprint in the brochure .
2 Having seen the loan situation from both sides of the fence it is essential that a few rules are followed to keep the arrangement sweet .
3 For purposes of prison administration it is essential that the cases where the prisoner is never released should be exceptional and that there should be maintained amongst those serving life sentences a general hope of release and consequent incentive to good behaviour .
4 The industrial tribunals at present have no jurisdiction to decide breaches of contracts of employment , and if the statutory protection against unfair dismissal is to retain its advantages over common law it is essential that tribunals decide cases according to reasonableness and not contract .
5 For presentations to senior management it is essential that you establish precisely how much time you are allowed , if necessary by asking the chairman .
6 In such circumstances it is essential that members of staff are fully aware of the situation and that students abide by the Provisions of the Act .
7 In these circumstances it is essential that a direction is sought as the child can not be medically or psychiatrically examined or otherwise assessed for the purpose of providing expert evidence without the leave of the court ( FPCR , r18(1) ; FPR , r4.18(1) ) .
8 But at the moment it is essential that we work on what we bring with us when we enter these conflict situations .
9 For internal audit to carry out these responsibilities it is essential that it operates with adequate independence .
10 Although the ultimate resolution rests with the output device it is essential that the software can at least provide control over it .
11 During this period it is essential that all the staff 's normal duties are covered for them , nothing is more likely to prevent successful training than constant telephone interruptions and the need for the staff to get back to their normal work .
12 After a contract has been agreed any new instructions and variations to the works potentially cost money ; if the client wishes to control costs it is essential that any such additions are controlled .
13 In order to ensure that the cost accounts are a proven and reliable record it is essential that the cost and financial accounts are integrated .
14 But in times of growing resource and environmental problems it is essential that energy is used and distributed as efficiently as possible .
15 Since historical entitlement theorists make original acquisition the root of all subsequent entitlements it is essential that they demonstrate that acquisition is an event of sufficient moral significance to bestow on the acquirer all the incidents of private ownership , including the right to transfer the property at will and to confer the same package of rights on all subsequent transferees .
16 ‘ However , under typical UK conditions of high crop yield , high soil moisture content and somewhat unpredictable weather conditions it is essential that drying rates are maximised consistent with machinery system costs which are competitive with existing approaches . ’
17 The above section used the limiting case of value at expiry to illustrate the profit and loss potential of various investment strategies , but given the ability of investors in traded options to sell or exercise before maturity it is essential that there is some way of evaluating options before expiry .
18 Despite these difficulties it is essential that the therapist should try to incorporate preventive measures in his treatment .
19 Because distance learning and correspondence modes of study have no practical content it is essential that those choosing to study by either of these modes have adequate background practical skill and knowledge in key aspects of hospitality operations and can provide evidence to the centre to which they are applying that the skills they possess are likely to be transferable to supervision of other aspect of a hospitality operation .
20 To protect yourself against possible allegations it is essential that you tell your manager :
21 When dealing with a telephone enquiry it is essential that all the necessary information is at the fingertips of the receptionist as nothing is more irritating on the telephone than hesitancy through lack of knowledge or being asked to hang on whilst information is being looked up — and always have alternatives to offer if the first choice is not available .
22 When instructing Adjusters it is essential that full details are passed to them regarding policy cover and in particular any non standard features , endorsements , etc .
23 If the Lions trip here is to be worthwhile in terms of Test results and tour morale it is essential that this one is a victory .
24 Given the legal complexities of Community Charge and the rate of change it is essential that there are senior managers at the higher Principal Officer grade who can be responsible for particular aspects of Council Tax as well as being responsible for an operational group .
25 While Compacts can not dictate policy of this kind it is essential that they raise the issue of involving trade unionists with prospective employers .
26 Of course it is essential that the alternative assessment instrument is valid , reliable and practicable and that its use is documented , but it is no longer necessary to ask for permission .
27 In order to deal effectively at the front line of enquiries it is essential that these are dealt with by experienced and capable staff at the Administrative Assistant level .
28 In the same way it is essential that we await the results of that questionnaire and that we discuss with the District Council the long term redevelopment of that airfield and so I think it would be more helpful in expressing our concern of course about the decision and version of it which I will admit came as a shock because my understanding was they would be there for two , three , or four years yet .
29 When the decision is finally made by the council of ministers it is essential that the whole area be granted the structural funding that we need . ’
30 Mr Carr has told SNH it is essential that a statutory , general right of access is established , subject to necessary safeguards .
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