Example sentences of "[noun] in [art] [noun pl] industry " in BNC.

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1 The United Kingdom is extremely attractive as a location for inward investment in the telecommunications industry .
2 Two ex-FBI men , Vincent Hartnett and Theodore Kirkpatrick , compiled a handy compendium in book form of members of these dangerous organizations in the communications industry .
3 In fact , by then Reagan had served a valuable apprenticeship in the communications industry and had completed two terms as governor of the most populous state in the union with a GNP comparable to that of Canada and exceeded by only six national economies .
4 The findings in these two sectors will be contrasted with Dawson 's earlier work in the chemicals industry .
5 The radical changes which are taking place in the pensions industry mean that actuaries have a growing responsibility to ensure that desirable objectives — such as easily transferable pensions — are achievable in practice .
6 Variable factors ( labour in our simple example ) are paid not only their marginal value product in the film industry , but also their marginal value product in the meals industry .
7 This research will map the linkages that make up the policy community in the chemicals industry in Britain , West Germany and at European Community level .
8 Hence , any tax on films , by driving a wedge between the marginal value of films and the marginal cost of films , drives a wedge between the marginal benefit of employing scarce resources in the film industry and employing these same resources in the meals industry .
9 Earlier in the year , emergency powers inherited from the Smith regime were employed to break a strike in the telecommunications industry , although the government claimed that the laws were maintained to deal with armed incursions from Mozambique and South Africa .
10 marked the end of an era for five senior managers at who retired after a life-time in the maltings industry .
11 Similar arguments for the need for flexibility were given by employers in the entertainments industry who recruit their seasonal staff on open-ended contracts and , more particularly , by employers In the holiday camps sector .
12 Rather , it is efficient to deliberately introduce a new distortion to the film industry to help counterbalance the inevitable distortion in the meals industry .
13 Conditions laid down by Haussmann along the lines of those set out by the Monopoly Commission , that the companies divest themselves of certain divisions which , if merged , would be against German interests in the arms industry , were eventually agreed to by both MBB and Daimler .
14 Competition in the drugs industry is fiercer , and governments are trying to curb health-care costs .
15 There are others who are doing research which might lead to erm developments in the communications industry in twenty years from now , or in ten years from now .
16 In considering Ronald Reagan 's pre-political experience , therefore , we must take account of his long training in the communications industry .
17 Will he confirm that the Government will continue their policy of liberalisation in the telecommunications industry and continue to welcome foreign companies to compete on an equal basis in this country — provided that , in return , our companies can compete in those countries ?
18 Insurance , both life and non-life , has been rapidly expanding in recent years and this is a continuing trend as people and companies become more risk-conscious and because of the growth in the pensions industry .
19 ‘ Our solution to the similar situation in the securities industry is a practical self-regulatory cooperative one .
20 According to reports in the metals industry the government plans to spend about £100 million over the next six months .
21 The Docks Board was the biggest company in the ports industry and with its Southampton operations and its Humber and South Wales ports had secured about a quarter of the market .
22 For example , parts of a report on one medium-sized company in the plastics industry may contain data relevant to your report on the industry , and creative swiping is common in business , provided your report is internal .
23 Grieco 's work is based on a detailed case study in the Northamptonshire steel town of Corby , and smaller studies of women in the fisheries industry in Aberdeen and of people migrating from the East End of London to live and work in the new town of Basildon , on London 's outer fringes .
24 As general wisdom , the view in the pensions industry is that for most people with an existing Section 226 policy there would be little point in changing — and for high earners , in particular , it could be positively detrimental .
25 Messel developed a form of the contact or catalytic process for the manufacture of fuming sulphuric acid , in great demand as a raw material in the dyestuffs industry .
26 The best way to create jobs in the telecommunications industry is through liberalisation , our duopoly review , opening up the market , allowing the new products to come through and allowing customers to make their decisions in the marketplace .
27 It may be that the target reader of the German translation is not envisaged to have the same familiarity with or interest in the ceramics industry as the prospective readers of the English version .
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