Example sentences of "[noun] and working [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Although Mexico accounted in recent times for more than a third of the world 's production of silver , the extraction and working of the metal began there only late in the first millennium A.D.
2 I saw women dealing with having kids and working at the same time and the kids were happy because of the closeness with their mother .
3 By the mid-1970s the general policy of winning the confidence of the farming organizations and working on the basis of persuasion and advice was being increasingly questioned .
4 Running the club and working on the house gets a bit much sometimes . ’
5 But Benn took the fight to the Welshman in rounds three to six , brilliantly switching tactics and working to the body with lacerating left and right hooks .
6 The idiocy of Urbanism and of urban life have replaced the inspiration of Ruralism , of living and working on the land .
7 This factor is naturally much less pronounced in the primary school where the teacher in any case knows the child in much greater depth by virtue of living and working alongside the youngster on a daily , weekly and sometimes more than yearly basis .
8 For the last eight years , Messrs. Wright & Sons have had the contract for the maintenance and working of the North and South Staffordshire Railways . ’
9 You 're teaching in the chapel most mornings , helping in the dairy and working in the house too . ’
10 Staying in a small town in the north of Scotland and working on the local newspaper for the rest of his life suddenly seemed a dismal prospect .
11 However , very few of the teachers even recognized the issue as one of professional concern at the start of the project , and most of the first two years was spent in establishing the educational importance of the issue and working towards the development of feasible intervention strategies .
12 They were then asked why they could not raise the money by staying at home and working on the land .
13 effective writing skills , presentation skills and working with the media I 've got here Thursday twenty second nineteen ninety four
14 The drama comes not from discussing what each decision would mean , but in making the decision and working through the consequences .
15 Accustomed to having a job for life , they had no experience of writing grant applications and working under the pressure of uncertain funding .
16 I have worked with a cook , a caretaker , a community policeman , a coach driver and an athletics coach — all of whom greatly enjoyed taking part in our drama and working with the children .
17 They bear on important constitutional and political questions ; cover the preparation , passage and implementation of statutes on a wide variety of subjects , such as property law , criminal law and bankruptcy ; deal with the administration of justice , including the organisation and working of the courts , the appointment of judges and magistrates , the regulation of legal aid and the legal profession ; and also relate to the process and substance of law reform , including the proceedings of numerous commissions and inquiries .
18 She was n't at all sure she wanted to be shown this short-cut through the woods , although Isabelle must have used it many times , when she was living at Les Hiboux and working at the château .
19 IBM is now looking at different materials and working on the many technical problems of writing on , and reading , the memory .
20 Many women took over men 's duties in the public services , operating railway signals , acting as porters , driving buses and working in the Fire Brigade and the Police .
21 The Reverie of Poor Susan , cast in the form of a popular song and working on the association of ideas , is not a sentimental ballad but a study of the uprooted personality , forced to live in an unnatural environment .
22 THE ALLEGATION that the Royal Ulster Constabulary contains an ‘ Inner Circle ’ of officers preparing private lists of IRA suspects and working against the Anglo-Irish agreement has lent a new dimension to the security force-loyalist collusion saga .
23 First Edition THE ALLEGATION that the Royal Ulster Constabulary contains an ‘ Inner Circle ’ of officers preparing private lists of IRA suspects and working against the Anglo-Irish agreement has lent a new dimension to the security force-loyalist collusion saga .
24 Of course I enjoy making and presenting food and working with the noblest of ingredients .
25 her assignments have included taking pictures for a record sleeve for Jimmy Nail and working for the Australian bicentennial celebrations .
26 Also promised are a new edition by Raniero Gnoli and Attilia Sironi of the monk Agostino dal Riccio 's Istoria delle pietre , a sixteenth-century treatise on the classification and working of the stones used in Renaissance Florence , and an exhaustive monograph by Giancarlo Ferraris — edited by Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios — on Pietro Piffetti , a highly-skilled eighteenth-century cabinet maker in the service of the House of Savoy ( L250,000 ) .
27 This definition , according to Schumpeter , is a summary or basis of a revised theory of democracy which is much truer to life and at the same time salvages much of what the sponsors of democratic method really mean by this term' Schumpeter builds up a definition of the modern political system in the West , which he claims ‘ to try out on some of the more important features of the structure and working of the political engine in democratic countries ’ .
28 Finally , preliminary work is being undertaken on the structure and working of the real estate industry and the participation of ethnic minorities in the industry .
29 This is one of the main show pieces for the gala weekend with no less than three large visiting locomotives in steam and working around the Museum site during the course of the two-day event .
30 Well , I 'm basically interested in the way in which education , or formal schooling , has attempted to prepare girls for their lives in the future , whether it prepares them for a life of , say , motherhood and working in the family , or whether it 's encouraging them to do work outside the home and try and achieve in the areas that men traditionally achieve .
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