Example sentences of "[noun] and none [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , the shooting took place in the dark and none of the witnesses arrived on the scene for something like ten seconds .
2 No debt of the Business which may be owing at Completion is overdue by more than eight weeks and the amount of such debts ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the Accounts and disclosed in the Disclosure Letter ) will be recoverable in full in the ordinary course of business and in any event not later than eight weeks after Completion and none of the said debts is subject to any counter-claim or set-off except to the extent of any such provision or reserve .
3 The Boston text relates more exclusively to the movement itself and includes , along with historical material , a brief statement by Mark Francis which is intended to justify and explain the motives behind the exhibition ( the Situationists did not give the event their blessings and none of the past members participated in its planning ) .
4 That intolerable woman , she thought bitterly , had managed to become president of the Tollemarche Downtown Community Centre by a majority of a single vote , and Mrs Frizzell had had to be content with the vice-presidency , which office she declared gave her all the work and none of the authority .
5 Each individual hearing lasted only a few minutes and none of the accused was allowed legal representation .
6 In none of the 10 patients who completed the six months ' trial and none of the five patients who completed 12 months ' treatment was endoscopic improvement of the lesions seen .
7 Much was therefore made of the horrors of American TV — again , by hearsay , since the BBC did not show the worst American TV programmes and none of the ads .
8 None of the 11 children who had other forms of leukaemia and none of the four who had non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma had fathers with a record of employment at a nuclear establishment .
9 I dropped the tape recorder on Old Compton Street and none of the in-depth mumbling came out .
10 Of course , I can not pretend that repossessin' is ‘ the image of war with honly five and twinty per cent of the danger and none of the guilt ’ like huntin' foxes .
11 It is a late-third to mid-fourth century group and none of the vessels need have belonged to the second half of the fourth century .
12 Three of the four patients with a known neuropathy but none of the control group and none of the patients with a known myopathy had a persistent tachygastria in the fasting state .
13 There were three babies with chronic lung disease in the random group and none in the regulated group , but the total in the study is too small to say if either figure is different from the expected incidence of about 10% in this population of babies .
14 Gregory 's bass guitar was out of tune because of a wayward string and none of the group had guitar tuners .
15 Durham ( 286–2 dec ) drew with Oxford University ( 105–2 ) THIS match assumed merely academic interest yesterday , after only two hours ’ play on the first day and none on the second .
16 I suspect that at the moment he sees all the disadvantages and none of the advantages of committee work .
17 The justices purported to set aside the conviction 29 days after the finding of guilt and none of the convicting justices had been a party to the decision to set it aside , so neither of the two conditions obtained .
18 With his death on the brink of independence , he receives all the acclaim for this achievement and none of the obloquy attached to subsequent conflicts : even though his former BNA and his PVO became heavily involved in the insurgency .
19 In that case there is no obligation on the seller to deliver the goods and none on the buyer to pay .
20 It 's at the back and none at the front .
21 Eleven of 23 patients and none of the controls had more than 0.083 abnormal subareas ( p<0.001 , Fisher 's exact test ) .
22 They feel unsure about the way their bodies have changed and they need lots of encouraging comments and none of the wrong kind of remarks .
23 ‘ It 's all about appealing on a number of levels and none of the levels are more important than any other , ’ explains Brett .
24 Sam can have half the coke and none of the plane .
25 Webb , who joined United for £1.5 million just over three years ago , has started only three games this season and none in the Premier League .
26 ( 2 ) None of the sub-clauses of this Clause and none of the objects therein specified shall be deemed subsidiary or ancillary to any of the objects specified in any other such sub-clause , and the Company shall have as full a power to exercise each and every one of the objects specified in each sub-clause of this Clause as though each sub-clause contained the objects of a separate Company .
27 ( 2 ) None of the sub-clauses of this Clause and none of the objects therein specified shall be deemed subsidiary or ancillary to any of the objects specified in any other such sub-clause , and the Company shall have as full a power to exercise each and every one of the objects specified in each sub-clause of this Clause as though each sub-clause contained the objects of a separate Company .
28 The Cantona home in a northern suburb of Leeds is a rather modest semi-detached house with simple furniture and none of the usual soccer star extravagances .
29 The hotel is half a mile from the beach and none of the rooms overlook the sea .
30 A spare room , modest and demure ; not just ‘ you can stay here ’ , but all of the scandal and none of the fun .
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