Example sentences of "[noun] were added to the " in BNC.

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1 The membrane vesicles were added to the assay buffer containing 20mM HEPES/arginine , pH7.4 , 5% sucrose , 0.5mMDTT , 30μM neutral red , 1μM trifluoromethoxycarbonylcyanide phenylhydrazone and with or without 400nM calmodulin to make up a total volume of 2ml and a concentration of 0.5mg protein per ml .
2 In 1985 the Star , Guardian , Observer , Mail on Sunday , Sunday Mirror , Coventry Evening Telegraph , Lancashire Evening Post , Lancaster Guardian and Middlesex Chronicle were added to the sample .
3 In the following year Malta and Constantinople were added to the number .
4 Because 24 hours is a long time for spectators to stand and watch a race , many attractions were added to the occasion to provide a gala atmosphere , including the famous fun fair .
5 We shall probably never know what went on behind the scenes when these phrases were added to the documents .
6 Databases , spreadsheets , windows , e-mail and many more phrases were added to the language .
7 After a trawl through its shortlist , a further three prospective sites were added to the already chosen Elstow .
8 Antisera against C/EBP δ/NF-IL6; β and anti-IL6DBP antibodies were added to the binding reaction , as indicated in the Materials and Methods section .
9 To offset the loss of Glasgow business , extra stops were added to the daytime service which was revamped to serve towns such as Warrington , Wigan , Lancaster , Oxenholme and Penrith which offered greater business prospects .
10 As a consequence of these changes alone , four new clerks and an additional baron were added to the exchequer staff , but further developments were yet to come .
11 One µl ( 25 pmoles ) of linkers were added to the double stranded cDNA together with 1 µl of 10 mM ATP and 1 Weiss unit of T4 DNA ligase .
12 A new terminus and intervening stations were added to the Piccadilly Line of 1903–7 in 1933 and 1971 .
13 Where necessary , known amounts of distilled water were added to the faeces before homogenisation .
14 A further 1.21 million hectares were added to the LFA and approved by the EEC 's Council of Ministers in February 1984 .
15 Manuscripts and correspondence of many other 20th-century Scottish writers were added to the collections , creating or adding to their representation .
16 When antisera were added to the EMSA , nuclear extracts and antisera ( 1:50 dilution ) were incubated for 30 minutes on ice , after the addition of the labelled probe .
17 Five millilitres of cell free plasma were added to the cell suspension and centrifuged at 100 g for five minutes .
18 Before Antony Licata styled the alternative look , dashes of golden copper lights were added to the longer areas at the top and sides .
19 But in his lordship 's day , that room was regularly required , as was the long table that occupied it , to seat thirty or more guests for dinner ; in fact , the banqueting hall is so spacious that when necessity demanded it , further tables were added to the existing one to enable almost fifty to be seated .
20 Factors , EGF ( 5 µg/ml in H 2 O ) , or TAGH solution ( 10 µl ) , or water ( 10 µl ) as control were added to the tubes .
21 A site was also secured just outside Hillsborough and thus two more congregations were added to the growing Church by the opposition to one .
22 Both saints were subjected to the elaborate canonisation procedure before their names were added to the roll up yonder , and down yonder in the Vatican .
23 These names were added to the CONSULT database .
24 Preincubation was usually continued for a further 10 minutes , and then agonists were added to the suspensions and the change in cyclic AMP content recorded at intervals over the following 30 minutes .
25 Two wings were added to the infirmary in 1939 , with a new maternity department and an additional wing to the nurses ' home .
26 On Sept. 5 vegetable oil and liquid gas were added to the list and on Sept. 9 , the sale of cigars and cigarettes was also rationed .
27 Two new tugs were added to the towage fleet during the year .
28 A period of revival came also in 1817 when in two months 60 more members were added to the Society and the congregation in general more than doubled .
29 Between 1978 and 1982 , for example , 117 institutions were added to the tertiary sector , but as Cleverley writes , ‘ growth in higher education is still far from meeting national needs ’ ( Cleverley 1985 : 245 ) .
30 With the advent of affordable and easy to use video equipment in the early eighties , community access workshops burgeoned , and local authorities and education authorities were added to the Regional Arts Association and the British Film Institute as sources of funding .
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