Example sentences of "[noun] were put on the " in BNC.

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1 The cakes and the presents were put on the table , then the children hid in the other room when they heard Perks coming home from work .
2 TWO boozy Geordie dads were put on the next flight home from Majorca for having no papers .
3 It is not uncommon to find the spaces still blank in early books , the scribe not having arrived before the books were put on the market .
4 It makes me want to roll up my sleeves , ’ McQuaid said in praise and plain enjoyment at the prospect of it as the plates were put on the table .
5 For the third time this season Cheadle were put on the rack but they mustered their strength in the final quarter to open up a 14–10 lead .
6 More patients with various illnesses were put on the diet , and good results were reported .
7 Yes , Chairman , can I say that erm , when the b the budget 's in the process of formulation and we 're discussing the question of balances and reserves and how they should be marked for the immediate future , particularly in regard to the way that er , reorganization may take place at police authorities in the very near future , and also those of us who are on this , on , on other committees who 've had experience in , and the same sort of thing happening in further education for instance , where immediately the assets , before even the regulations were put on the table , the assets of all these things were , all these er , erm , coll the further education colleges were frozen so we could n't do anything with them at all as an Authority , and er , actually many of them were taken from us without er , without any question at all .
8 She said it was br it was , I did n't think it was but it wa it was really good fun and also I was going out with Carl at the time and so , you know , in our big like little group big little group , our big group , that was a bit of a erm contradiction , erm in our big group and erm we knew masses of people and there were lots of there and there were lots of Felixstowe people there and it was just a really good laugh and erm Right Said Fred were there and some other sort of ravey group , ca n't remember what now and then , no some techno group , and then erm so we all thought oh let's go for this , let's go , la this time last year we thought oh well let's go over to this one for a joke , you know , for old time 's sake let's just go along and have a joke and we went and it was full of erm like they were all about fourteen , I suppose when we went we were all fourteen too but last year well most of my friends are sort of you know sixteen erm we went and it was n't , it was n't , it was n't full at all and the place is huge and it says , it says on the thing , you know , two thousand people go and there must have been about four hundred at the most and it was really , and I , also I ha I was ill that day and it was really shit so if they said it was brilliant last year it probably was n't the stockings because it was , nobody I met said it was , and also yeah the stockings and the feathers were put on the same day and there 's competition between the two companies does stocking and I 've forgotten what feathers is , there 's competition and so lots of people went to the feathers instead and the feathers had like too many people and the stockings had too lit too few .
9 A bitter and complex dispute was decided by the crown jurists in the interests of the foreros ( 1763 ) , and when the entailed lands of the nobility and the church estates were put on the market by the liberal legislation of the nineteenth century they purchased their foros and became the outright owners of land they had rented ; they became foristas .
10 ‘ The potted shrimps were put on the table by the parlourmaid immediately before the guests entered the dining-room , ’ said Milsom .
11 In March 1991 both children were put on the child protection register , E. because of physical abuse and C. because of suspicion of physical abuse .
12 Various dazibao were put on the Xidan wall , which became a public noticeboard .
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