Example sentences of "[noun] as they walked [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A couple of men waved white handkerchief frantically above their heads as they walked gingerly to where other forms were lying , deadly still .
2 Jacques Devraux and half-a-dozen Moi trackers were waiting beside the narrow river that flowed past the camp , and the senator put his arm lightly around his son 's shoulders as they walked over to join them .
3 Even in the twenty minutes it had taken to get some nourishment , the light had faded and the dull day was darkening into a cold night ; the beginnings of a frost crackled under their feet as they walked briskly along the embankment .
4 She had watched from the window as they walked down the jetty , anxious as a mother sending her children off on their first day at school .
5 All they had done was to pick ears of corn as they walked along , rub them in their hands and eat the grain .
6 She left the interview-room , straining against the grip Luke kept on her waist as they walked out into the courtyard .
7 ‘ An appeal for the other man , sir ? ’ asked Marshall as they walked back to Fleet Street .
8 ‘ I do n't think Hunter-Blair knew the truth , sir , ’ said Marshall as they walked back to their car .
9 McLeish asked Catherine as they walked back through St James 's Park .
10 Hazlitt set out with Coleridge that morning on the road back to Shrewsbury , observing how his companion continually moved from one side of the footpath to the other as they walked along , though only later connecting this odd movement with ‘ any instability of purpose or involuntary change of principle ’ .
11 All were transfixed by this group of laughing and exultant lesbians as they walked resolutely towards the rocky promontory stripping off their clothes with Amazonian brazenness .
12 ‘ I rest my case , ’ said X as they walked back to the clubhouse .
13 Piers was in the living-room as they walked in , half naked , the top button of his faded jeans undone .
14 Of Time In They sang as they walked along the clause as they walked along tells when they sang .
15 Mary and Dad ducked their heads to avoid the waving arms as they walked along and everyone was smiling , including Mum .
16 They began opening every door as they walked up its length .
17 A burst of applause greeted caddies and players as they walked up into the arena .
18 The young man , who is now 23 years old , was only 16 when a car ploughed into him and a couple of friends as they walked home from a party .
19 Either way , Senna was keen to discuss the matter in an amicable fashion as they walked back .
20 He took her hand as they walked slowly along the cliff edge , and a feeling of peace and security swept over her .
21 They stripped in silence and he took her hand as they walked down to the water 's edge .
22 ‘ This is the place sure enough , ’ said Corporal Riley as they walked over to the Bar .
23 Luke did n't pursue it , but he wore a slightly grim expression as they walked on in silence .
24 Shivering in their nakedness , and all shorn of their hair , the actors kept on only their stage boots as they walked back the way they had come .
25 Jessica felt sweat break out fresh on her skin as they walked in .
26 Willie hung on to Tom 's left trouser leg and peered gingerly round at the mare as they walked past it .
27 But that offer was declined too , courteous goodbyes were exchanged , and Omi took Erika 's arm as they walked back to the S-Bahn .
28 Dermot Kinane took Kelly 's arm as they walked back towards his cottage .
29 And Marie , oblivious of her cold , wet jacket , clung on to his arm as they walked along .
30 Nellie was holding on to his arm as they walked out into the corridor and he felt her tense .
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