Example sentences of "[noun] at the next election " in BNC.

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1 A public body is also accountable both politically and administratively : the politicians consider the effect of a given decision on the electorate at the next election ; and the administrators are anxious to avoid any risk of criticism .
2 Moreover , the coalition government so formed will not have to ( or even be able to ) face the electorate at the next election since the parties to the coalition will be free to fight again as independent entities .
3 Macmillan worked on the American fear that a crisis in Anglo-American relations might contribute to a Conservative defeat at the next election .
4 The possibility of a Conservative defeat at the next election promotion investors to unload shares .
5 Any Conservative you care to converse with will predict a close contest at the next election .
6 And that is why the SDP was declared to be a spent force the instant David Owen said that it would not be contesting every seat at the next election .
7 List MdBs must emulate them if they wish to safeguard their place on their party 's list or hope to win a constituency seat at the next election .
8 He often raises that subject , and we understand his desperation about what will happen to his seat at the next election .
9 Did she hope to stand in a winnable seat at the next election ?
10 If the local organization after an election remained active , on a permanent basis of annual subscription , with a permanent organizing secretary who would attend to the registration work and become the agent at the next election , a candidate could , and probably would , be selected on his merits , and the constituency would be independent of men whose only merit was their wealth .
11 He should take responsibility for doing so or accept responsibility for his party 's vote at the next election , when Labour will be returned .
12 And if so , it is devoutly to be wished that both his SNP and Liberal Democrat opponents in North Aberdeen at the next election will together ensure that his constituents are reminded of their sitting member 's fundamental disagreement with his own party 's long-established policy on this key constitutional question .
13 In his address to the party conference at Brighton , Mr Kinnock said Labour was now ready , eager and able to take power from the Conservatives at the next election , and his confidence won him one of the most prolonged and enthusiastic ovations received by a Labour leader for many years .
14 He says it 'll go back to the Conservatives at the next election .
15 If there are two parties each putting forward programmes which they are pledged to carry out if elected to government , and which they are able to carry out because they possess sufficient internal cohesion , then the electorate in choosing a programme ( and a programme at that which has been drawn up to appeal to their interests ) mandates a party to carry out its programme and holds the party accountable for its adequate fulfillment at the next election .
16 Labour has vowed to keep the Works open if it wins control of the Council at the next election .
17 As everyone knows , the boundary commission , which decides how many constituencies an area needs , is likely to come up with recommendations that will deprive Labour of as many as 20 of its urban seats at the next election .
18 The Conservatives will lose those seats at the next election .
19 That is one more reason why , across the south , there has been a greater swing to Labour than in any other region and why , I must point out to the hon. Member for Thurrock ( Mr. Janman ) , who seeks to speak for my native county , we look forward to a smashing victory in his constituency at the next election .
20 The Labour Party have committed themselves to establishing Regional Government , that is if Britain decided to commit suicide at the next election .
21 The Prime Minister 's supporters were immediately thrown onto the defensive since most Conservative MPs saw the tax as the single biggest obstacle to a Conservative victory at the next election .
22 This was , it seems , partly with the rather Machiavellian intention of forcing Conservative MPs to unite behind a Prime Minister whose continuance in office was considered best to serve Labour 's prospects of victory at the next election .
23 of industrialists believed that a Labour victory at the next election would be bad for the economy ?
24 He told BBC TV 's On the Record programme he believed Mr Major would lead the Tories to victory at the next election .
25 ( 8 ) Where the prospective parliamentary candidate has been selected and subsequently intimates his or her intention not to stand for parliament in the constituency as the Labour Party candidate at the next election , the procedure set out in section ( 3 ) of this clause shall ( subject to section ( 4 ) of this clause ) be forthwith set in motion again .
26 We sincerely hope that Mr Taylor will stay with us and defeat the handful of critics at the next election .
27 It was , he said , a ‘ new Victorian Poor Law ’ which would pave the way for the election of a Labour Government at the next election .
28 I welcome the fact that , when we are returned to government at the next election , pensions will go up by £8 and £5 ; those are steps in the right direction .
29 It will not be long before the circumstances in this country — I do not refer to a change of Government at the next election , which I profoundly do not wish to see — allow us to catch up in the two key areas which were subjected to further delay on this occasion .
30 If the electorate disapproves of the policies or their outcomes , it has the opportunity to replace the government at the next election .
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