Example sentences of "[noun] at the next general " in BNC.

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1 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
2 He sat in the 1835–7 Parliament as member for Harwich and assistant whip , losing his seat at the next general election .
3 He failed to find a seat at the next general election , but came in for the family borough a few weeks later , and acted as teller against his patron 's impeachment .
4 During his visit Mr Kinnock attacked the Government for its policies on housing , and predicted that the local Conservative MP would lose his seat at the next general election .
5 A Liberal Democrat surge at the next general election could not conceivably net more than 34 MPs .
6 And they know they 'll have to unite behind the new one if they 're to be a force at the next General Election .
7 It will have a similar connotation when people discover what drops through their letter boxes if they are foolish enough to vote Conservative at the next general election .
8 This year 's production number was of particular interest and significance because the Conservative high command is planning to make leadership a key issue at the next general election , only two years away .
9 In the debate in the House of Commons on 26 June 1991 , the Foreign Secretary ruled out the question of a referendum ( which needs a separate Act of Parliament ) and , if , therefore , the question was to be deferred to a future parliament , the amendments agreed at Maastricht in December 1991 could become an issue at the next general election .
10 to a lot of A G Ms recently and this topic is coming up at most and one feels that it almost may become an issue at the next general election .
11 It is , however , something that he will be given by Conservative Members and I am sure that he will want to make the most of it before — sadly — he retires from our midst at the next general election .
12 Senior Conservative MPs have already protested about the move and called on the Government to foot the £650m bill or risk losing key marginal seats at the next general election .
13 In my view it is clear that the party is very much in search of a leader , very anxious , if it is to make an adequate showing at the next general election , over the fact that it needs a symbol of more meaning to the mass electorate than Mr Attlee .
14 There are skinheads who will vote Conservative , Labour , Communist and SDP at the next General Election .
15 He truly will be known as the Prime Minister of evictions , unemployment and bankruptcies and that is why , as soon as the people get the chance at the next general election , they will stop him .
16 It was generally believed that they were proposing to seek an electoral pact with the Conservatives , so as to ensure that they would hold their seats against what was expected to be a Conservative landslide at the next general election .
17 Sir : Labour does not need a commitment to proportional representation in order to scoop most of the centre ground at the next general election .
18 There were few predictions of a Tory victory at the next general election and even some concern that the country might topple over into serious civil strife .
19 It is a programme for victory at the next general election and one which the people will support .
20 ( 9 ) When this party has selected the prospective parliamentary candidate , section ( 3 ) of this clause shall be applicable only when section ( 8 ) applies or , having received a written request from the General Committee of this party for permission to reconsider the selection of the prospective parliamentary candidate , the National Executive Committee has decided that in its opinion there are changed circumstances relating to the prospective parliamentary candidate since his or her selection , and has given authority to this party to convene a special meeting of the General Committee in accordance with regulations sanctioned by the National Executive Committee to consider a resolution that the prospective candidate selected previously shall not be the candidate at the next general election .
21 When ( Labour ) tries to define a programme capable of rallying the masses at the next general election , it falls back , not on a specifically socialist programme , but on the old programme that half a century ago had been that of bourgeois liberalism in England .
22 At a minimum , Solidarity is expected to present more than one list to the voters at the next general election — if it has not already formally split by then .
23 Those leaving the Cabinet , besides Thatcher , were Cecil Parkinson , who indicated that he intended to retire from Parliament at the next general election , and Lord Belstead who was appointed to a non-Cabinet post .
24 But the executive also turned its collective mind to the task of responding to a resolution at the conference which had been sponsored by the Preston Trades Council , drawing attention to the deficiencies of the party in facing a general election , and asking that the machinery should be improved so that the party might ‘ make a determined bid for a Labour majority at the next General Election ’ .
25 His memorandum , delivered on 9 January 1939 , repeated previous arguments and drew attention to the weakness of the Labour League of Youth and the difficulty of gaining a majority at the next General Election .
26 Although the government has to operate within the context of the economic realities of the day and " should " have regard to the long-term interests of the economy as a whole , critics of adversary politics point out that a short-term concern for vote maximisation at the next general election is never far from the government 's mind and this conditions the way in which it manages the economy and makes economic policy .
27 However his personal preference remained to put any proposals from the inquiry before the public at the next general election .
28 A staunch friend expected the countenance of the politician to whom he had attached himself , and a failure to actively canvass for a candidate might well he repaid in full by hostility at the next general election .
29 It polled comfortably more than 50% in a number of areas where it will be looking for parliamentary gains at the next general election .
30 THE GOVERNMENT 'S plans for the NHS could cost the Tories 1.5 million votes at the next general election , Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman , claimed yesterday .
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