Example sentences of "[noun] at the [num ord] table " in BNC.

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1 I could hear the talk at the next table , the staccato clatter of Mexican , and behind me the piercing voice of an American woman .
2 In slow , careful English , she asked the gentlemen at the first table , ‘ You are ready to order ? ’
3 A lively group of beefy youngsters at the next table gave a loud cheer , and a girl exclaimed ‘ Great ! ’
4 The gentleman with the glass eye at the next table is discussing civic sculpture with a woman who might be Catherine Deneuve .
5 A very gallant gentleman at the next table came over and for no particular reason , kissed my hand !
6 One of the army officers at the next table called across to my companion , ‘ Businessman ? ’
7 The people at the next table moved their chairs forward imperceptibly .
8 He moaned more loudly and the people at the next table held their drinks in mid-air .
9 There were moves at the next table .
10 The man at the next table stands up , walks over and leans his hands on the chair next to Bill .
11 For about fifteen minutes he did nothing but sit there contentedly , sipping his coffee and watching their restless , flickering scene around him through half-open eyes : the tall , bearded man with a cigar and a fatuous grin who walked up and down at an unvarying even pace like a clockwork soldier , never looking at anybody ; the plump ageing layabout in a Gestapo officers leather coat and dark glasses holding court outside the door of the cafe , trading secrets and scandal with his men friends , assessing the passers-by as thought they were for sale , calling after women and making hour-glass gestures with his hairy gold-ringed hands ; a frail old man bent like an S , with a crazy harmless expression and a transistor radio pressed to his ear walking with the exaggerated urgency of those who have nowhere to go ; slim Africans with leatherwork belts and bangles laid out on a piece of cloth ; a Gypsy child sitting n the cold stone playing the same four note again and again on a cheap concertina ; two foreigners with guitars an a small crowd around them ; a beggar with his shirt pulled down over one shoulder to reveal the stump of an amputated arm ; a pudgy shapeless women with an open suitcase full of cigarette lighters and bootleg cassettes ; the two Nordic girls at the next table , basking half-naked in the weak March sun as though this might be the last time it appeared this year .
12 There was a nice-looking American at the next table , however , so I asked him whether he was a drug-fiend , dealing in human misery , in which case , I said , I 'd like some Ecstasy .
13 Dining in one restaurant with Hugh Paddick , he got himself into a furious row with a woman doctor at the next table , challenging her views on life .
14 Fernand Léger and Lipinski the revolutionary were earnestly discussing the political situation at the next table .
15 The day before we left , we celebrated Ned 's 21st with lunch in a good restaurant ( the popping of the champagne cork causing much alarm and despondency among the old dears at the next table ) .
16 But there is a mysterious group of British engineers , who are not allowed to let us know what they 're doing — I suppose they are helping the Chinese build a factory or something — anyway , it has been refreshing to hear a homely Lancs. accent at the next table .
17 Shaking her head , she speaks in a near whisper so that the women at the next table can not overhear .
18 A couple at the next table scowled at him but looked away when he glared back at them .
19 A young bridal couple at the next table , returning from their honeymoon in Cairo , peeled hard-boiled eggs and ate in silence .
20 The French couple at the next table heard the scurrilous word and stared reproachfully at this affront to their palates .
21 Everyone , including the Indians , seemed to be happy and laughing , and in my surly mood I unkindly wished them all in hell — chiefly because no one was in any hurry to serve me and I had to sit and watch a party at the next table consume a feast that looked to me as if it had issued straight from Nirvana , before I was even shown a menu .
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