Example sentences of "[noun] at the [adj] election " in BNC.

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1 Can I can I say before I do launch into the amendment to Mr that you have played your card at the last election and the Leicestershire public has resoundedly given their answer to your particular policies .
2 A public body is also accountable both politically and administratively : the politicians consider the effect of a given decision on the electorate at the next election ; and the administrators are anxious to avoid any risk of criticism .
3 Moreover , the coalition government so formed will not have to ( or even be able to ) face the electorate at the next election since the parties to the coalition will be free to fight again as independent entities .
4 But after defeat at the 1979 election , the feuding within the Labour Party was more severe because it was more highly organized .
5 Macmillan worked on the American fear that a crisis in Anglo-American relations might contribute to a Conservative defeat at the next election .
6 The possibility of a Conservative defeat at the next election promotion investors to unload shares .
7 Any Conservative you care to converse with will predict a close contest at the next election .
8 The Lloyd George candidates at the last election smelt ; these will stink .
9 The letter asks readers to ignore both Labour and Conservative candidates at the forthcoming election , saying ‘ both parties will fail to complete the work Hitler tried to achieve ’ .
10 Does my right hon. Friend agree that not only has the Conservative party demonstrated that it is willing to spend a greater proportion of gross national product , but , by continuing to expand our economy , we have surpassed the Labour party bid at the 1987 election — when it said that it would increase spending on the national health service by 3 per cent .
11 The Alliance were briefly the controlling party in local government and just missed taking the Parliamentary seat at the 1987 election .
12 He was thus a particular target for the Tories , and according to his own account lost his seat at the 1702 election after a specific campaign against him inspired by the Tory leaders .
13 Given that , in 1837 , Buxton initially opposed an immediate move against apprenticeship it is doubtful how much deference would have been shown his leadership by the convention , but he had anyway lost his seat at the recent election .
14 Mrs Chalker , who lost her seat at the general election , faced giving up her job as Minister of the Overseas Development Administration and Britain 's leading representative at the European Bank , leaving a gap in the British team but will continue in her post from the House of Lords .
15 When the Nationalists won only one seat at the general election of 1970 , the tension went out of the argument .
16 The vote for the Green Party , which did not contest the seat at the general election , was only 2 per cent .
17 Anxiety is growing over the Government 's commitment to energy sources such as wind , wave and solar power since Colin Moynihan , the Energy Minister who championed the cause , lost his seat at the general election .
18 The Cheltenham MP , Liberal Democrat Nigel Jones , says he won the seat at the General Election on a pro lib-dem , anti-tory vote … not because of a racist vote .
19 And that is why the SDP was declared to be a spent force the instant David Owen said that it would not be contesting every seat at the next election .
20 List MdBs must emulate them if they wish to safeguard their place on their party 's list or hope to win a constituency seat at the next election .
21 He often raises that subject , and we understand his desperation about what will happen to his seat at the next election .
22 Did she hope to stand in a winnable seat at the next election ?
23 THE former chairman of the GLC 's Police Committee and member of Ken Livingstone 's municipal revolutionary guard , Boateng , 40 , has risen rapidly since gaining his seat at the last election .
24 If the local organization after an election remained active , on a permanent basis of annual subscription , with a permanent organizing secretary who would attend to the registration work and become the agent at the next election , a candidate could , and probably would , be selected on his merits , and the constituency would be independent of men whose only merit was their wealth .
25 The PLP was returned to government for a fifth successive term at the general election of June 1987 , winning 31 of the 49 seats in the House of Assembly , while the FNM won 16 seats [ see p. 35372-73 ] .
26 It then won a further two seats in by-elections in early 1992 , leading to the belief that it would constitute the greatest threat to the LDP at the 1992 elections .
27 In early 1981 , Reagan and his aides spoke confidently of his having received an impressive mandate at the recent elections , and many in Congress and the media seemed to find the argument convincing .
28 The seat had become vacant upon the death on May 27 of Eric Heffer [ see p. 38200 ] , who had held the seat for Labour since 1964 [ see p. 38200 ] and had won 64.2 per cent of the vote at the 1987 election .
29 On current trends the party will be lucky to get a fifth of the vote at the non-racial election now less than a year away ( the tentative date is April 1994 ) .
30 He should take responsibility for doing so or accept responsibility for his party 's vote at the next election , when Labour will be returned .
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