Example sentences of "[noun] at least two [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would take his coach at least two hours to reach Brussels , and he needed a good hour to change into the scarlet and gold finery of a British major-general .
2 The US was yesterday sheltering on its bases at least two participants in the coup attempt who were among the few to escape death or capture .
3 If you intend to night-fish , which is usual in order to fish evening and early morning as well as the night itself , then you should aim to introduce your bait in the evening at least two hours before you expect to catch fish .
4 If you are likely to visit regions where malaria is rife then you need to start anti malarian medication at least two weeks before your visit , during your visit and continue for four weeks after your return .
5 Or to put it another way : a nude ( bar the dog-collar ) clergyman , a semi-undressed nun and a loud , blowsy tart fighting a losing battle to stay inside a Marks & spencer blouse at least two sizes too small .
6 The mines had suffered disruption since July and 220 workers had been dismissed earlier for taking industrial action , and according to the managing director at least two weeks ' production had been lost .
7 According to the latest figures at least two youngsters die every week as a direct result of inhaling solvent fumes .
8 This resulted in convection at high Rayleigh number ( Ra10 8 –10 9 ) with turbulent velocities at least two orders of magnitude greater than the settling velocities of the particles .
9 In order to record the brain 's activity at the scalp at least two electrodes are required .
10 Store in dark bottle ; shelf life at least two years .
11 In a shoot-out with security forces at least two people were killed after the fugitives took hostage the Deputy Justice Minister Eduardo Mendoza and Col. Hernando Navas , director-general of prisons ( both eventually released unharmed ) .
12 Accordingly , particularly in claims which on full liability have very limited value , it is sound economic sense to try and achieve settlement at least two weeks before the Proof and preferably more than that .
13 A price of £11.00 was envisaged for a meal of Chicken in a Basket with full payment at least two weeks in advance .
14 BEERS in bottles all shapes and sizes — some look at least two pints — now fill a whole corner of the store , their colourful labels firing your tastebuds .
15 According to another report that was based upon essentially the same data , the spacing of second and higher order births at least two years apart would reduce infant mortality by 10 per cent and the death rate of children aged 1–4 years by 21 per cent .
16 All patients stopped taking any acid inhibitory agents at least two weeks before entering the study and none had received bismuth preparations in the past .
17 Avoid all stimulant drugs at least two hours prior to going to bed .
18 Her nose was too small to balance her high flat cheekbones , and her mouth was made for a face at least two sizes larger .
19 The service was brisk but I was struggling to understand the drawn-out diphthongs of a heavy accent which gave Ja at least two syllables .
20 Conversation was difficult because she walked several yards behind Joe , and always crossed the street at least two cars ' lengths away .
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