Example sentences of "[noun] was sent [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Relief aid was sent by Algeria , Egypt , Libya , France and the UN , and Ben Ali postponed an official visit to Egypt to deal with the disaster .
2 In America a journalist was sent to prison for refusing to disclose information which could have revealed the innocence of a person on trial , but prison would not normally be an option in a civil case .
3 The tragedy was sent to London , apparently to Colley Cibber , for a reading .
4 Photographer Steve Wright was sent to Warrington to take a shot of George Formby 's gravestone which was to feature in Morrissey 's début EMI single sleeve .
5 A small quantity of substances in the car was sent for analysis but Scotland Yard said there was ‘ no evidence whatsoever ’ of drugs dealing .
6 At the end of a visit by a meeting of the International Association of Quaternary Research to the region in 1965 , a telegram was sent to Professor Bretz which concluded : " We are now all catastrophists " .
7 In October 1914 Maitland was sent to Belgium in charge of an RNAS balloon detachment for artillery spotting .
8 An old and much-loved teddy bear was sent by Mrs M to her younger son .
9 A petition calling for action was sent to Middlesbrough Council seven years ago .
10 The law was sent for approval to Governor George Deukmejian , a former outspoken opponent of gun control .
11 The canvas bought by Washington was sent to Sotheby 's by the executors of the Countess Beauchamp .
12 James planned a diversionary landing in Scotland and Major-General William Buchan was sent to Dunkirk with such few troops as he had been able to assemble to sail direct to Aberdeenshire .
13 A letter requesting help was sent to Ringway , near Manchester , where airborne troops in Britain were trained , but no reply was received .
14 General Monk , in the spring of 1660 , led a bloodless coup and declared that Charles II should become King , so a warship was sent to Holland to fetch him back to England , where he arrived before the end of May , aged 30 years , and was received rapturously in London .
15 The collection was returned after negotiations between the Kuwait and Iraqi governments and the UN ; following these a representative of the al-Sabahs was sent to Baghdad in September 1991 to arrange the return of the collection and also that of the Kuwait National Museum .
16 A copy of his plan was sent to Spain on the very day , 14 April 1762 , that he replied encouragingly to a British approach about opening negotiations to end the war .
17 The plan was sent to London for consideration by MI6 and the CIA in December 1953 .
18 A copy of the notice served on the group of insurance companies was sent to W. Plc. but it was given no opportunity to make representations and it had no right of appeal under Lautro 's 1988 Rules .
19 Released at last from her dancing , Pamela Dillon was sent to St Margaret 's , Bushey , a school for the orphans of clergymen — an odd choice , for both her parents were anti-clerical .
20 A three-person UN team was sent to Moldova on June 27 to investigate the situation .
21 Helen 's new employers departed mysteriously and suddenly , and Helen was sent to Rugby almost at once to help Mrs Sery , an ‘ excitable , merry French Woman ’ , with her young son .
22 A trainer containing a weapon was sent from Northern Ireland to assist an escape quite recently .
23 Blandford was sent to Pentonville on Tuesday for failing to comply with the High Court order to pay the arrears .
24 Vennard got 18 months for ‘ a deliberate and dangerous act ’ and Smillie was sent to prison for nine months .
25 Hans was sent to Bournemouth for a fortnight .
26 The executed legal charge was sent to Warrens to be held , in escrow , pending completion .
27 Clive Brittain 's triple Classic heroine was sent off favourite , but , after pulling hard early on , faded in the closing stages behind the locally-trained winner Tokai Teio .
28 Possibly the first Inn was the Five Bells , which was probably the ale house mentioned in 1586 , when William Cokar of Halling was sent to gaol for keeping an ale house and allowing gambling i.e. maintaining play at the dice of his own authority as a result of which he was bound , over to the next Sessions .
29 He had heard from other prisoners ( he told Beltrami ) that a man called Ian Waddell had been boasting that he had taken part in the Ayr crime , and then , on a quite different charge , Waddell was sent to Barlinnie himself .
30 At Oxford Crown court today Langton was sent to prison for ten years …
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