Example sentences of "[noun] for the proposition [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Even at this early stage it was clear that there was general sympathy for the proposition that SERPS should be phased out .
2 It is obviously not necessary to cite cases for the proposition that there has been a considerable development in the scope of judicial review in the second half of this century .
3 There was , however , no support for the proposition that establishments with a dominant market position or insensitive to their competitors " pricing behaviour were less likely to use temporary workers .
4 There is some empirical support for the proposition that the likelihood of attack decreases with size .
5 The overall conclusion of the AD paper is that there is some support for the proposition that monetary growth affects real output only if it is unpredictable , and that the impact on output of unpredictable monetary growth declines the more unpredictable monetary growth becomes .
6 The consultation also showed widespread support for the proposition that the law should not allow trade union dues to be deducted from an employee 's salary without his or her individual consent .
7 There is some support for the proposition that such a loan , if made to a person fully capable of repaying the same and , for instance , charged against property in the United Kingdom , gives the taxpayer minimal benefit from the case of O " Leary v McKinlay [ 1991 ] STC 42 where Vinelott J at p51 , dealing with a Schedule E beneficial loan , stated the following : If an employer lends money to an employee free of interest or at a favourable rate of interest and if the employee is free to exploit the money in any manner he chooses his employment can not be said to have been the source of the income derived from the exploitation ; the employer is the source of the money and the taxpayer is assessable to tax under Sch E on the benefit to him of obtaining the loan on the terms on which the loan was made ; but if the loan is repayable on demand that benefit can not be quantified and form the basis of an assessment under Sch E. It is arguable if property is held by a non-resident trust for A for life and B absolutely that if the trustees lend money to A at interest then if A allows the trustees not to pursue him in his capacity as borrower for the interest that no benefit will arise .
8 The basis for the proposition that individual women may improve their own prospects and those of their young children as regards health and mortality is the evidence that age at marriage and at childbearing , the amount of time that elapses between births and the total number of children that a woman has borne at various ages have a pronounced influence upon maternal and child health , and that a child 's birth order may be a factor in its survival chances .
9 Which , at the same time , provides supporting evidence for the proposition that the concept man is not empty , viz. that ( Ex ) x is a man , or " For some x , x is a man " .
10 Now I was I would n't say surprised because the matter is already well know , but I found an additional piece of evidence for the proposition that while they knew a lot about what happened to their commodities in their countries — how it was produced , how it was distributed internally and how it was sold internationally — they generally did n't have very much information as to what happened afterwards .
11 If the purpose of this part of the chapter is to provide a platform for the proposition that , to use the Report 's own words , management generally should ‘ involve employees in decision-making , rather than impose decisions on them without consultation ’ , then it is as persuasive as is any declaration in favour of obvious good .
12 According to the applicants in the main proceedings , paragraph 13 of the judgment in the Pesca Valentia case [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 83 , 107 constitute a fair description of the effect of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 101/76 but no argument for the proposition that member states might define the conditions for registration without reference to basic principles of Community law .
13 Unless it is submitted that prisoners have , on entering prison , surrendered all rights over their own bodies , in which case medical experimentation on them would be equally lawful , the case can not stand as authority for the proposition that there exists a duty , even as regards prisoners , far less at large , to prevent someone from refusing food and , a fortiori , medical treatment .
14 The case of Instan seems to be authority for the proposition that a common-law duty was imposed upon the defendant to continue to care for her aunt , having once undertaken this responsibility.55 It would seem to follow from the fact that a relationship has to be created for the duty to arise that if the relationship ceases by one party releasing and absolving the other of his obligations , the duty also ceases .
15 I know of no authority for the proposition that an ordinary crime committed in the House of Commons would be withdrawn from the ordinary course of criminal justice .
16 There is authority for the proposition that the mere existence of an alternative remedy will not oust such jurisdiction ; in other words , the existence of the alternative gives the court a discretion whether or not to award a remedy .
17 There is some United States authority for the proposition that service on a person who does not understand the language of the document in question is not good service on want of due process grounds .
18 Although in Minister for Arts , Heritage and Environment v. Peko-Wallsend the treaty had been entered into prior to the listing of Kakadu , in Re Ditford , ex parte Deputy Commissioner of Taxation the case was cited as authority for the proposition that Australian courts have disclaimed entitlement to adjudicate upon decisions by the executive concerning the exercise of its treaty-making power .
19 Ltd. v. Hawkins ( 1859 ) 4 H. & N. 87 was authority for the proposition that it was an ordinary incident of all corporations ( including municipal corporations ) that they might sue for libel ; that case was only authority for the proposition that a trading company might sue for libel by which its property was injured ; ( 3 ) in holding that the Manchester Corporation case was decided per incuriam when there was no basis for so holding and he should have followed it ; ( 4 ) in holding that in bringing an action for libel not alleged to have caused actual damage , no valid distinction could be made between trading corporations and municipal corporations , which ignored the true basis on which a trading corporation was permitted to sue for libel , namely that it had a trading character , the defamation of which might ruin it : South Hetton Coal Co . Ltd. v. North-Eastern News Association Ltd. [ 1894 ] 1 Q.B. 133 , 145 .
20 Ltd. v. Hawkins ( 1859 ) 4 H. & N. 87 was authority for the proposition that it was an ordinary incident of all corporations ( including municipal corporations ) that they might sue for libel ; that case was only authority for the proposition that a trading company might sue for libel by which its property was injured ; ( 3 ) in holding that the Manchester Corporation case was decided per incuriam when there was no basis for so holding and he should have followed it ; ( 4 ) in holding that in bringing an action for libel not alleged to have caused actual damage , no valid distinction could be made between trading corporations and municipal corporations , which ignored the true basis on which a trading corporation was permitted to sue for libel , namely that it had a trading character , the defamation of which might ruin it : South Hetton Coal Co . Ltd. v. North-Eastern News Association Ltd. [ 1894 ] 1 Q.B. 133 , 145 .
21 The last three cases are also authority for the proposition that it is proper , though not obligatory , for the trial judge to tell the jury that , as well as going to credibility , good character is relevant when considering whether the defendant is the kind of man who is likely to have behaved in the way that the prosecution alleged .
22 ‘ Green v. Weaver , 1 Sim. 404 is authority for the proposition that an agent or other person who undertakes a duty to the plaintiff waives the privilege against self-incrimination in respect of discovery relating to the performance of that duty . ’
23 There is ample authority for the proposition that the inherent powers of the court under its parens patriae jurisdiction are theoretically limitless and that they certainly extend beyond the powers of a natural parent : see for example In re R. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 , 25B , 28G .
24 as authority for the proposition that in a section 8(2) case the alternatives of giving either blood or urine ‘ must both be made available to the subject . ’
25 It has been suggested that Lord Castlehaven 's case is authority for the proposition that a man can be liable for rape of his wife But Castlehaven was indicted as praesens , auxilians and confortans for holding his wife down to facilitate her rape by ‘ one of his minions . ’
26 It is true that during the passage of the Bill , section 10 was explained as being intended to reflect the position at common law , in which there is respectable authority for the proposition that the client 's legal privilege can not attach to communications made with criminal intent .
27 There is also authority for the proposition that for the purposes of s.5(1) a copyright owner does not have a proprietary interest in the item copied : Storrow [ 1983 ] Crim LR 332 .
28 Sharma v Knight [ 1986 ] 1 WLR 757 is authority for the proposition that jurisdiction conferred on county courts by statute is a general one and it is not restricted to the district in which proceedings should have been brought in accordance with Ord 4 , r 8 and that , if proceedings have been brought in the wrong county court , then the court nevertheless has jurisdiction to deal with the matter .
29 Thus , Williams v Singer is authority for the proposition that if the trustees of , say , a life interest trust direct that trust income be paid direct to the beneficiary the trustees escape an income tax charge .
30 However , that is a mechanical provision : Williams v Singer is authority for the proposition that the trustees can not be assessed where they have made such a direction .
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