Example sentences of "[verb] [be] at [art] very " in BNC.

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1 It must have been at the very time of the proceedings against Myln that the archbishop of St Andrews received the earl of Argyll 's answers to his letter of admonition of 31 March 1558 , in which he warned the earl of the dangers of his support for Protestantism .
2 ‘ Though we knew by the place where he had fallen that it must have been at the very summit just as the path runs down the cliff to Kinghorn Manor . ’
3 From having been at the very centre of public affairs , the Frost family sank back into almost impenetrable obscurity .
4 Guideline 1 : The best time to start is at the very beginning
5 For it was the procedures and practices that have been at the very core of racing tradition for generations that were on trial here , and there was little realistic chance that they should have been found wanting .
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