Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] a deep " in BNC.

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1 The river is impressive , tumbling down through a deep gorge , from which it has cut weird and wonderfully shaped holes in the smooth rock .
2 There was a trap-door in the centre of the kitchen floor , which led down to a deep cellar .
3 Our dwelling place was clean and very isolated ; for we were tucked away in a deep hollow , and all around the tumbling sand dunes encompassed us about .
4 No one who contemplates the brutal war that has racked Croatia over the last few months can do so without a deep feeling of sorrow and shame : sorrow that such devastation and misery should disfigure our continent in 1991 , and shame that we have been unable to do anything to halt the carnage and destruction .
5 Here a great trough that is filled with Caenozoic sediments in northern Java and Sumatra ( where a sediment supply was available ) passes directly into a deep oceanic trough — the famous Flores Deep — where there was no such supply .
6 Even the tail is carefully protected , fitting snugly into a deep groove on the animal 's rump , where two sheets of armour meet in a vertical cleft .
7 There was no need for a water-filled moat , although there was a drawbridge , for the nearest stack to land was separated therefrom by a deep tidal creek with beetling walls .
8 Charles dropped immediately into a deep sleep where lumbering Thurber cartoon figures with guns in their hands chased him through a landscape of pastel green , dotted with red flowers .
9 Stukeley 's brief description ( p. 84 , Vol. i ) reads ‘ Brigcasterton … was fenced about with a deep mote on two sides , the river supplying its use on the other two ; for it stands at an angle , and the Romans made a little curve in the road here on purpose to take it in , as it offered itself so conveniently , then rectified the obliquity on the other side of the town ; it consists of one street running through its length upon the road ; the great ditch and banks are called the Dikes .
10 Mr Sands , a pale , shy young man , had taken one look at Mr Cochrane 's vivid servant girl and had fallen promptly into a deep and worshipful love for her , a fact written on his ingenuous face .
11 Stockings were rolled ; nightdresses folded and piled , sachets between each ; camisoles threaded anew with narrow ribbon after every washing all glimmered secretly in a deep drawer .
12 ‘ She staggered and fell ; nearly blinded with the blood that rained down from a deep gash in her forehead ; but raising herself with difficulty … breathed one prayer for mercy to her Maker .
13 All she knew was when they began to leave the straggling apartment block on the edge of town , because she felt him slide into another gear and the engine opened out with a deep growl , and then they were climbing , climbing , following the sinuous trail deep into a cleft in the mountains .
14 Dot was n't allowed into Mrs Parvis 's kitchen except at the regulation meal-times and she was n't sure about how food was prepared , but she was pretty certain that when Mrs Parvis cooked what was called a nice egg-dish , it was made from an orange coloured powder spooned up from a deep cylindrical tin .
15 Carrie got up with a deep sigh .
16 Hence the need to stress at the outset that Nizan 's adult development can be correctly understood only as a deep involvement in the communist party , a process of attraction-repulsion in which Nizan was both deeply committed to and deeply compromised by the party itself .
17 Now she thought ‘ Mother ’ deliberately , summoning up from a deep centre the bossy voice which had haunted her and with it a sweet softness , older still and loving .
18 CHARLES WOKE as if his body was being dragged out of a deep pit , and memory returned slowly to his pounding head .
19 Under harder acceleration it intrudes , finishing up as a deep , rough-edged sounding beat at full throttle .
20 He quietened down then , shaking his head like a man coming out of a deep sleep .
21 Why do n't I do the first half and you have an early night , and I 'll wake you at two o'clock ? ’ , knowing full well how awful it is to be woken out of a deep sleep at 2am to start work .
22 But just then one of the girl 's flailing blows hit home , and the man swore savagely in a deep , and somehow unforgettable voice .
23 Joseph himself had attracted more laughter by excusing himself before dinner and going directly to horses ; there he had fallen immediately into a deep , peaceful sleep that lasted until the dawn cries of the jungle birds roused him , and when he rose he had felt clear-headed and exultant .
24 As he reached it , the ground fell away from under him and he rolled down into a deep ditch .
25 The sound died down to a deep rumbling , a mummummummum that still had a feel-it-in-the-bone quality .
26 He was just thinking about the boy in the Post Office when he fell instantly into a deep sleep .
27 One walked straight towards me , lurching , with his head tilted , as if in a dream , and fell straight into a deep crater .
28 This was something that Picasso had also conveyed in the necks of the Horta figures , where the area between the projecting tendons appears to have been cut back into a deep recess .
29 Fergus had gone back into a deep sleep .
30 A bolt of lightning ripped it open , and the light was followed closely by a deep rumble of thunder .
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