Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [art] [adj] amount " in BNC.

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1 The smoothing recipe described below generally gives satisfactory results and involves only a limited amount of computational effort .
2 He got together a serious amount of cash and called a meeting with the skaters to ask them what they wanted ; 3 skaters turned up .
3 They bring in a similar amount of cash as small , or public , lotteries .
4 In the early and mid-1980s purchases of Treasury bills by the UK private sector contributed only a modest amount to funding the PSBR .
5 For example , if a company has only a limited amount of funds available to spend over the next few years , centralised management would be able to take a balanced view of how the funds should be shared out between production , marketing , research and development , motor vehicles , other fixed asset purchases in different departments etc .
6 The PC has only a limited amount of memory in which to store all the possible patterns , and , in fact , can never ‘ remember ’ the wide variety of shapes that even a young child will have seen .
7 Their strategy is based upon the idea that the boss has only a limited amount of sympathy and benefits to go round , and that their herd 's problems should have priority .
8 Shift operator adds just the right amount of vitamins to the mix .
9 Some might accuse it of looking like a wedding cake , but I would suggest it has just the right amount of decoration .
10 The neck has just the right amount of forward relief , and needs no adjustment to the truss rod .
11 The introduction of competition and credit control triggered off a considerable amount of comment and criticism from the City as well as from within academic circles .
12 Barker grew very quickly , and had to work off a tremendous amount of energy every day , and since Danny was much too young to take him out for walks , this duty fell upon Connor .
13 The rating process can tie up a considerable amount of management time , and the company , of course , pays a fee to the rating agency .
14 However , I could see his logic , which was that not only did it burn about three times as much wood as an enclosed stove but the draught from the chimney sucked up a considerable amount of the underfloor heating , and even though it cost us nothing , it was poor economics .
15 He had spent his time in a lodging house on the Strand , eking out the small amount of money Edward Morris had been able to lend him .
16 This is not necessarily so : the US used roughly the same amount of energy each year from 1973 to 1985 , while its gross domestic product grew by more than a third .
17 MS-DOS 3.3 and DR-DOS occupy roughly the same amount of conventional memory .
18 If all this sounds a bit complicated , it may help to start using just a small amount of the nutrition information .
19 I found the book to be very readable , with each subject being given just the right amount of coverage , considering the intended readership .
20 The credit here denotes not the total amount the debtor has to pay but the element of financial accommodation .
21 ‘ It is clear we need to sell and bring in a fair amount of money before we can think of buying again .
22 ‘ It is clear that we need to sell and bring in a fair amount of money before we can think about buying again . ’
23 I hope they realise by being here we will bring in a huge amount of trade .
24 This may be from chronic stress , where our stress tap drips constantly a small amount at a time for months or years , or from sudden stress , when we encounter a specific fear , problem or major life event , which causes the stress tap to turn full on .
25 Provide containers of various shapes which hold approximately the same amount .
26 Leon , more conscious of his status as guest , put away a fair amount less overtly .
27 Planck used the idea of quanta to explain why a red-hot piece of metal does n't give off an infinite amount of heat ; but he regarded quanta simply as a theoretical trick , one that did n't correspond to anything in physical reality .
28 The iron melts , picking up the correct amount of carbon from the coke , and runs out of the tap-hole at the bottom . ’
29 These schemes have been designed for the elderly who have built up a significant amount of equity in their homes , but who have no means ( or no desire ) to service a new loan .
30 The penalty is that you have to decide what sizes you want and prepare them in advance , a process that can take quite a time and uses up a considerable amount of disk space .
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