Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] access to " in BNC.

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1 Since the analyst has only limited access to what a speaker intended , or how sincerely he was behaving , in the production of a discourse fragment , any claims regarding the implicatures identified will have the status of interpretations .
2 Most states can be expected modestly to regulate access to abortion , rather than radically restrict it .
3 Ms Kiernan 's study shows that fewer than half of all single mothers living alone have access to a telephone , and a mere 15% to that essential tool of modern motherhood , a car .
4 Doors and windows have been bricked up to prevent access to the empty properties , but arsonists have now started smashing the breeze-blocks .
5 A few intermediaries offer this facility on a limited basis but forward foreign exchange markets and the currency futures options market are designed for big players and the smaller customer would neither be welcomed , nor would he , or she , easily know how to gain access to these markets .
6 Having once gained access to the group or institution being studied , the researcher enters the first phase of the research proper .
7 Female chimpanzees do not often hunt , but they nevertheless play an important role in hunting , and they usually end up gaining access to significant portions of meat .
8 The team ran two dummy inspections , testing the effectiveness of forms and learning how to get access to the information .
9 Police believe both men must have used the pub in the past because they knew how to gain access to the cellar .
10 The challenge was to plan and implement a strategy which would help give them jobs , to ensure that potential employers were aware of this trained workforce and knew how to gain access to it .
11 ‘ Of course , ’ Athelstan continued , ‘ the assassin may have been someone in the Tower who knew where Sir Ralph lay , and seized the opportunity of the moat freezing over to gain access to the footholds on the North Bastion .
12 In England , women in general did not acquire access to relatively safe abortions until 1967 and then only on a limited basis .
13 The Act of 1988 did not govern access to quotas , but the registration of fishing vessels .
14 Those people who did not have access to that sort of platform took their protests onto the streets and it was here that Ian Paisley and his followers earned their public reputation .
15 Deirdre Bair did not have access to these letters at the time of writing , though the euphemistic terms she uses to describe de Beauvoir 's relationships anticipate this recent confirmation .
16 For many years farm workers , and other rural inhabitants who did not have access to home ownership , had been quietly and routinely disadvantaged by the housing policies of many rural local authorities .
17 All radiographs were interpreted by a single radiologist ( JK ) , who did not have access to the clinical data .
18 The ICRC confirmed that political prisoners numbered 1,268 , although their representatives did not have access to prisons run by the state security services .
19 Such costs are not assets as defined in the Board 's draft Statement of Principles because they do not provide access to any future economic benefits .
20 Eventually the local authority associations agreed a self-denying ordinance and in many authorities councillors do not seek access to records on individuals .
21 The best kind of flat is one that is above ground floor level and has its own entrance , providing that you do not gain access to your entrance up an unlit staircase or a long , dark walkway .
22 THOSE who yearn for the smiling helpfulness of American skiing , but whose credit limits do not permit access to it , can console themselves with the news that the French resort of Les Arcs is launching a campaign to distinguish itself from competing resorts by encouraging staff to be unfailingly polite .
23 He argues that this control enables a group of conquerors to subdue and dominate those who do not have access to such technology .
24 Almost 40% of Japanese still do not have access to a flushing toilet .
25 Because of their position in the class-structure they do not have access to useful connections which , as we have seen , are so valuable in Latin America .
26 Children from the under-privileged sections of the community , the socially deprived , may well have been conditioned , even educated , to believe that they do not have access to such services as libraries .
27 If pupils do not have access to Standard English then many important opportunities are closed to them , in cultural activities , in further and higher education , and in industry , commerce and the professions .
28 So a choice of background was easy , but if you do not have access to a piece of the relevant dress you can either cheat and buy a similar fabric , or choose a plain white silk or satin backing .
29 Modules , in this sense , do not have access to the contents of other modules and , in Carl Hewitt of MIT 's immortal words , ‘ modules should n't be able to dicker around with the insides of their neighbours ’ .
30 My seat went through a large 16in thicknesser , but if you do not have access to one , do n't worry .
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