Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] responsibility [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I discharged my responsibility at the court , and that is that .
2 ‘ I am pleased and thankful that the medical practice have sought to accept their responsibility for the oversight as soon as possible . ’
3 The four republics assumed their responsibility for the Union 's debts , but would not accept contracts signed " after the Soviet Union ceased to exist as a single state " [ for IMF agreement with Soviet Union see p. 38553 ] .
4 The true citizen must be ‘ able to understand the interests of the community , must be able to subordinate his own will to the general will , must feel his responsibility to the community and be prepared to serve it by voting , working , or ( if need be ) fighting ’ .
5 On Jan. 2 the body of 17-year-old Andrés Arturo Gutiérrez Maya , who had confessed his responsibility for the March 1990 murder of Bernardo Jaramillo Ossa , the presidential candidate of the left-wing Patriotic Union party ( UP ) [ see p. 37312 ] , was found , along with that of his father , in an abandoned car in Medellín .
6 This concerns your responsibility for the accuracy of the parliamentary record .
7 The Mature Team — Feelings are open , a wide range of options considered , working methods are methodical , leadership style is contributory , individuals are flexible and the group recognises its responsibility to the rest of the organization .
8 On the same day a ceremony was held in Berlin at which the three Western generals at the Allied Kommandatura ( the Soviet union having withdrawn from the four-power control commission in 1948 ) relinquished their responsibility for the city , while the four powers held a joint ceremony at the Glienecke Bridge between East and West Berlin .
9 They echo the theme set in last year 's CBI Business Agenda for the 1990s with the emphasis on controlling inflation , public spending , strengthening the Department of Trade & Industry and giving it responsibility for the National Economic Development Council and opposing a national minimum wage .
10 Until we begin to recognise our responsibility for the current situation , we will not come close to finding a solution that will lead African families to choose to have smaller families .
11 The Council accepted the report , amending one sentence to-read : ‘ For reasons which are apparent from the rest of this report the Visiting Party could not feel assured that the Director was fully and properly exercising his responsibility for the ‘ internal organisation and management and discipline of the Polytechnic ’ , in accordance with the Articles of Government' .
12 But he fil fulfils his responsibility in the right to redeem us .
13 In his opening address to the Supreme Soviet , Gorbachev admitted his responsibility for the coup in having appointed conservatives to head the organizations which controlled troops , and for " liberalism and indulgence " , despite warnings of conservatives ' discontent .
14 These changes gave museums the right to retain what they earned , to privatise some of their services such as restaurants , publishing etc , and also gave them responsibility for the maintenance of their buildings .
15 A source of particular vulnerability for the agencies is that in its reorganization of the water industry the 1973 Water Act gives them responsibility for the management of the great majority of sewage treatment works , which in many areas are themselves significant — often principal — sources of pollution .
16 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
17 The need for reality is satisfied in that Septimus Quinn , for all his impetuosity , does not look upon war as fun , nor does he abdicate his responsibility for the men whom , from time to time , he is called upon to lead .
18 Should the plan be discovered and Alianor be seen as party to the clandestine meeting , she could well find herself in danger , accused of shelving her responsibility for the lady Anne 's protection and honour …
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