Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] support for [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 While an overwhelming number of Scottish Labour MPs contacted by The Scotsman this week underlined their support for Mr Clarke , some of his original supporters indicated they would not support him in the shadow cabinet elections later this year .
2 On the day after Aquino 's announcement it was reported that 28 congressmen and 22 governors had broken with the LDP and announced their support for Ramos .
3 Syria , Iraq 's most implacable rival in the Arab world , voiced its support for President Saddam .
4 ICL last week announced its support for Texas Instruments Inc 's superscalar Viking Sparc — see front page — which will figure in a top-end , multi-processing DRS6000 Model 764 .
5 The IMF was expected to signal its support for Tanzania 's economic reforms by approving an enhanced structural adjustment facility early in 1991 .
6 The Congress then signalled its support for Ryzhkov with a thunderous and sustained ovation .
7 When Milongo on Jan. 19 reiterated his support for Col. Gangouo , troops occupied the national radio and television stations in Brazzaville , and sealed off the airport .
8 ‘ We reiterated our support for US help and our reasons for seeing the envoy as one way in which the United States should express its friendship to Ireland and to Britain . ’
9 When the Sacred Union met on Oct. 22 it refused Mobutu 's proposal that it should name an alternative Prime Minister , and reaffirmed its support for Tshisekedi .
10 Greece confirmed its support for Bulgaria 's application for association with the EC .
11 Her Bruges speech in the autumn of 1988 , drafted by Charles Powell , which attacked the notion of ‘ a United States of Europe ’ , aroused much controversy , though the ‘ Bruges group ’ of right-wing historians and others declared their support for Mrs Thatcher 's stand .
12 On Aug. 23 fears of a power struggle heightened when the Katanga Gendarmes , a secessionist movement based in Angola , declared their support for Nguza and said that they were awaiting his orders to begin military operations in the country .
13 The five smaller parties represented in the new ‘ coalition government ’ yesterday withdrew their support for Mr Krenz , saying they did not believe his assurances that he was unaware of the large-scale corruption among the previous communist leadership .
14 The five smaller parties represented in the new ‘ coalition government ’ yesterday withdrew their support for Mr Krenz , saying they did not believe his assurances that he was unaware of the large-scale corruption among the previous Communist leadership .
15 The five smaller parties represented in the new ‘ coalition government ’ yesterday withdrew their support for Mr Krenz , saying they did not believe his assurances that he was unaware of the large-scale corruption among the previous communist leadership of which he was a vital part .
16 After the king 's death in 1223 , he pledged his support for Philip 's son Louis VII , but deserted him at the siege of Avignon in 1226 .
17 Once they had sealed their leader 's fate , after her poor first ballot in the 1990 leadership contest , Mr Garel-Jones declared his support for Douglas Hurd .
18 However , in another speech , broadcast on Nov. 23 , the King defended his support for Iraq during the Gulf war and strongly criticized the leaders of the Gulf states .
19 I would like to give my support for Eldorado .
20 On June 15 the military expressed their support for Gen. Chaovalit by appointing him as a special adviser to the Internal Security Command , the Supreme Command , and the combined armed forces .
21 Out of 23 Scottish Labour MPs , 14 expressed their support for Mr Clarke , four felt he should stand down and one was undecided .
22 Acheson visited Vandenberg in hospital on 21 January and the senator emphasised his support for Acheson 's policy .
23 President Boris Yeltsin of Russia , emphasising his support for Shevardnadze 's insistence on Georgia 's territorial integrity , condemned the their actions .
24 The University is committed to continuing its support for Oxford 's great historical collections ( including the Bodleian Library and the Ashmolean , Pitt Rivers , and University Museums ) , which form a national , and international , resource for scholarship , and to maintaining acquisitions in its central research libraries ( Bodleian , Ashmolean and Taylorian ) at a level commensurate with their responsibilities to the international scholarly community .
25 Well I I I would express my support for Mr and for Mr on widening the scope erm to include because clearly national policy talks about public transport generally and not just rail .
26 Alexei remembered how Tulagai and Targoutai had fawned on Siban before Nogai had been elected Kha-Khan , and how they had voiced their support for Nogai , their own half-brother , as soon as it had become apparent that he had Burun 's vote .
27 In February 1939 all national and regional committees were disbanded and the League Annual Conference was cancelled after the National Advisory Committee had declared its support for Cripps and his Petition campaign .
28 Dun hopes its support for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT via SmartStream will pull in large corporate personal computer users looking to upsize operations .
29 D&B hopes its support for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT via SmartStream will pull in large corporate personal computer users looking to upsize operations .
30 Similarly , this faction of the National Front expresses its support for Libya and Colonel Gadaffi .
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