Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] support [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And that we actually op adopted a b a modern sensible er , reasonable attitude towards all living creatures and that we do today vote to ban fox hunting it is anachronistic as I said earlier , it is not necessary it actually causes harm , not only does it cause harm to foxes , but at least in one case , which is sufficient for me to continue my support for the ban damage to the people in my area .
2 She promised her support on the condition that Mays and Berthon were sidelined and Rudd was given his chance .
3 Unfortunately , London University 's proposal that the Witt should become self-financing comes just as the Getty computer programme is ending its support of the Witt Computer Index because it has changed its policy from building up a vast database of its own to producing systems for accessing other databases .
4 The United Somali Congress ( USC ) , which drew its support from the Hawiye clan of central Somalia , launched an offensive in late December , while the largest rebel group , the northern-based Somali National Movement ( SNM ) , dismissed as " futile " a government announcement on Dec. 26 that political parties had been legalized with immediate effect .
5 The HRU drew its support from the community of some 400,000 Greek Albanians in the south of Albania .
6 The association , all of whose members are required to sign a statement pledging their support for the use of animals in research , is planning to raise the issue with the Medical Research Council .
7 Writers and actors have been pledging their support at the start of National Library Week .
8 Betty and George found their support in the local day centre , Jill from a relative 's support group and Gladys through a care attendant scheme that relieved her responsibilities for a few hours each day .
9 The Development Office set about the business of fundraising and , in November , we were delighted to receive news that The Robertson Trust wished to increase its support for the extension , leaving the University with a fraction of the bill to pay .
10 In a recent review of the national programme , the NCS called for both its sponsors , the Science and Engineering Research Council ( SERC ) and the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) , to increase their support for the technology .
11 As the contribution of Britain to the UNHCR is very much greater than that of France or Germany , will my right hon. Friend encourage our European partners to increase their support for the vital work of refugee relief ?
12 On April 2 an estimated 50,000 people demonstrated their support for the democracy movement in Kathmandu , while doctors and other professionals joined a general strike , in defiance of legislation prohibiting strikes in " essential services " .
13 If any further evidence is needed to underline the growing possibility of a US-British rift over Northern Ireland , Clinton emphasises his support for the ‘ MacBride Principles ’ , which would require American firms based in Northern Ireland to abandon their operations there unless they complied with strict anti-discrimination criteria .
14 I understand perfectly well why that should be so , as the hon. Member for Blackburn ( Mr. Straw ) made clear in the Second Reading debate his support for the higher education reforms , which account for quite a large part of the bulk of the latter part of the Bill .
15 The Congress , in giving a high priority to agreements with Arab countries , affirmed its support for the consolidation of the Arab Maghreb Union [ see pp. 36474 ; 37200-01 ] and for the Palestinian intifada .
16 This month 's winning letter comes from Donna Davidson who , amidst a big postbag on the subject of Steffi Graf 's popularity , offers her support to the German in an honest and fair way .
17 Trish voiced her support for the vice-presidential campaign of Gerlandine Ferraro .
18 Baker visited Saudi Arabia and Jordan on July 20-21 and both King Fahd and King Hussein announced their support for the US plan and for the Egyptian initiative .
19 Following a mailing by Aldus to all registered users of the product an initial public meeting was held in London where over 100 potential members braved the pouring rain to confirm their support for the User Group .
20 On Jan. 9 , 1990 , the US administration announced its support for the restoration of World Bank loans to China which met " basic human needs " ; the International Herald Tribune reported on Jan. 13 that this covered about $2,000 million of the $7,000 million sought by the World Bank .
21 On April 8 the South African Communist Party ( SACP ) announced its support for the ultimatum .
22 The National Executive wrote to the four signatories and supporters who were most closely identified with the Petition campaign , Bevan , Strauss , Cdr Young , and W. Bruce , asking them to discontinue their support for the campaign or face expulsion from the Party .
23 Syria , having given its support to the United States-led anti-Iraq coalition in the Gulf crisis , was currently enjoying the consequent improvement in its image in the West , and it was noticeable that there was hardly any international condemnation of its action in Lebanon .
24 Charging depreciation in the accounts of businesses receives its support from the matching concept .
25 Indeed , we might even be inclined to suggest that third parties that are buoyant in the opinion polls , and have a diffuse appeal beyond specific regions , are only able to sustain their support on the basis of an attractive ambiguity about their main policy objectives that precludes the presentation of crisp programmes and , therefore , the possibility of programmatic support .
26 On Aug. 12 it was reported that the air and naval high commands had withdrawn their support for the President , dissociating themselves from the incidents of Aug. 10 .
27 As the debate progressed it became clear not merely that the country 's four opposition parties were prepared to co-operate to defeat the proposal , but that several senior figures within the ruling party — including Shin Kanemaru , leader of the largest LDP faction — had withdrawn their support from the bill .
28 Syria will determine whether to accept any resettlement , or whether to continue its support of the refugee demand to return to Palestine , as a function of its own regional objectives .
29 The Council appreciates their support of the programme and the invaluable help provided by the local centres which run the courses .
30 In the case of Foresterhill , all the main clinical departments have given their support to the proposal — a proposal that has been drawn up by a multidisciplinary team .
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