Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] saw the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He hated and desired her , but she could n't let him know she saw the desire .
2 The tears gathered more thickly in his eyes and in the partial darkness he imagined he saw the form of a young man standing under a dripping tree .
3 John Griffith Williams QC , for the defence , said : ‘ I 'm suggesting you saw the knife a week earlier . ’
4 No , well I , I mean you saw the point really .
5 Barrows were piled high with fruit and vegetables , and as they passed the fish stall they saw the fishmonger gutting an eel .
6 Gramley ( p. 20 ) seems to be on much the same track when he notes , concerning I saw the library to have burned down : What the speaker saw was not an occurrence , but physical evidence for a condition , a state ; for example , the speaker saw the site , the ruins .
7 I remember I remember I saw the shorts and you said they 're nice .
8 Ten days after they had left Ralarth Rorim they saw the silver sword-glitter of a river in the distance .
9 When the clerk returned he saw the letter , glanced at the door , in an attempt to see who had left it , then slotted it neatly into one of the pigeon holes behind him .
10 he sez he saw the plaque and thought he 'd see what was recorded on the air disaster .
11 he sez he saw the plaque and thought he 'd see what was recorded on the air disaster .
12 On Raglan Road on an autumn day I saw her first , and knew That her dark hair would weave a snare that I would one day rue I saw the danger , then I walked along the enchanted way And I said let grief be a falling leaf At the dawning of the day …
13 ‘ I have reason to believe she saw the sense of it , ’ said Viola .
14 As he collapsed he saw the Doctor being pummelled by the mob .
15 I felt so enthusiastic when I found this out and I began to read the stories , that I thought I saw the River of the Leprechauns , which is the crystal road to their kingdom ‘ Undersea . ’
16 Then one morning on her way to work she was distracted by a commotion across the street and as she crossed she saw the owner of the hand being thrown out of a shop .
17 From your first message we gathered you saw the plane crash into the sea but could n't identify it .
18 As she reached the gate at the farther edge she could see right under the low bridge — and as she looked she saw the van turn the bend at the top of the short hill leading to the bridge , and increase speed down it .
19 She thought she saw the Germans still working in the fields , and now they were picking up potatoes from the muddy ground .
20 Thereafter , much of Margarete 's unquenchable energies were devoted to telling in books and lectures what she knew of the story which Solzhenitsyn would describe definitively in his Gulag trilogy , and to trying to inoculate the young against the totalitarian virus wherever she thought she saw the threat of it .
21 As she waited for sleep , Dot thought she saw the face of the coat-owner gazing out of the dark with a complexion as pale and refined as tissue-paper .
22 They had recently watched an old Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers film on the television in which she thought she saw the source of his fantasy .
23 Melanie chose her side the night she thought she saw the hand ; she began to hate Uncle Philip .
24 No we saw we saw the people in the park when we walked down did n't we ?
25 They thought they saw the Lady Eleanor cloaked and hooded , but of course it was you .
26 Two witnesses thought they saw the aircraft 's nose rise slightly before they and many other witnesses saw the nose and left wing drop almost simultaneously .
27 What he did he saw he saw the method and saw well this is quite neat .
28 He thought he saw the girl again , but he could not be sure .
29 As she came out again Cormack thought he saw the man from the pier at the far side of the car park beside a small green car .
30 Jinkwa thought he saw the parasite raise its weapon in a puny gesture of defiance .
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