Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] head on the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm afraid of slipping in the dark and cracking my head on the edge of the bunker , ’ I had said .
2 I bumped my head on the door moving your mattress through the laundry , ’ said Tom .
3 Eleanor Thorne jerked her head on the pillow and opened her eyes , awakening in time to hear the echo of her own voice .
4 She pushed into the dust , banging her head on the wooden underside .
5 She jumps up , banging her head on the partition .
6 Carol was bounced backwards into her seat and then sideways on the floor of the van , banging her head on the side in the process .
7 Unable to save herself , with a startled cry she pitched forward , tumbling down the remaining stairs and banging her head on the stone floor .
8 Eleanor Thorne moved her head on the pillow .
9 She caught her head on the corner of the hearth .
10 She tried to get up on all fours , and bumped her head on the underside of the bed .
11 And , on his way to meet the Prime Minister , Mr Delors bumped his head on the car waiting for him at Heathrow .
12 He picked it up , banging his head on the bowl .
13 The hand grabbed Arthur 's shirt front and tie in a vice like grip , and yanked him forward almost banging his head on the glass .
14 He was banging his head on the post and shouting .
15 And he kept banging his head on the ceiling !
16 either that or banging his head on the wall !
17 Dad had fallen and cracked his head on the fireplace .
18 Train driver Graham Lumsden , of Duke Street , Hartlepool , said he was driving the train from Port Clarence to Thornaby and was approaching the North Shore signal box , about a quarter-of-a-mile north of Stockton station , when he saw a dark-haired male dash out from some bushes and place his head on the line .
19 He cracked his head on the trapdoor beneath the golden pavilion and fell to the floor like a lopped tree .
20 There is , however , a large variety of killings which lie above that line but below the line demarcating murder : a killing in which D knew there was a risk of death , but was held not to have intended death or grievous bodily harm , would fall within involuntary manslaughter and might justify a high sentence ; whereas a killing in which D pushed a person during an argument in the street and the person fell backwards , cracking his head on the kerb and dying from a brain haemorrhage , might also fall within involuntary manslaughter and might justify a low sentence .
21 He holds his hands passively forwards , and places his head on the carer 's shoulder , on the side away from the chair .
22 She had sat on the seat cover , resting her head on the porcelain of the washbasin , licking dry lips and bringing her breathing down .
23 One evening as I was nearing Farr 's entrance , I was running , tripped , with the result that I banged my head on the pavement .
24 I dribbled , I wet my pants , even banged my head on the furniture , and bawled … bawled almost nonstop .
25 A cymbal splashes to the tune of a brandished stick of drum and runs about the auditorium , bashing its head on the available hard surfaces , fastly chased by a bass note from another kind of guitar-mad guitar .
26 He banged his head on the beam at the top of the stairs .
27 She banged his head on the till and slammed the drawer on his hand , before he ran off almost empty-handed .
28 She banged his head on the till , slamming his hand in the drawer , and he ran off with only half a 20 pound note .
29 I catch his head on the tilt , and he rights it without shame , showing only a flicker of annoyance at not catching a snippet of a sight .
30 If you hit a bump you banged your head on the top of the hatch .
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