Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] the wrong way " in BNC.

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1 And if racing round the world was n't enough , these half million pound yachts will be tackling it the wrong way — against the winds and currents , to commemorate the first time it was done 21 years ago by British sailor Chay Blyth .
2 THE reader who lives in a council house and believes her rent is subsidising home-buyers has it the wrong way round .
3 ‘ Which way ? ’ he asked , when at last the engine spluttered into life , and she directed him the wrong way round so that they might overtake and confront the trio lurching towards Midnight Mass .
4 that 's the wrong way , you 've done it the wrong way have n't you ?
5 you 've used a triangular bandage to cover a wound in the scalp , it 's not a chopping block wound right , it 's not the chopper in its wound right , it 's just a minor wound in the scalp , yes , and that came round and tied at the front , tucked at the back , you used these roller bandages to cover a graze or a wound on the end of an elbow or a knee or the hand , foot and then a straight one up the arm okay , so a lot of your bandaging is using these little roller bandages with the lint pad and do n't forget when you get into the exam do it , do n't do it the wrong way round , remember that you look at your bandage and you put the lint onto the wound , not the other way round right , yeah , you put the lint face down onto the wound , okay ?
6 The words were leading him the wrong way .
7 No , no , no you 've got it the wrong way round , I went , I brought you here and then I had to go back cos I was in the Royal Marine Police
8 ‘ No , Ace , you 've got it the wrong way round .
9 got it the wrong way round .
10 It does n't matter if we get them the wrong way round it 'll still work out .
11 It 's doing everything the wrong way round at the wrong time .
12 A great family such as the Milettis is like a sleeping bear : it may look massively apathetic and unimpressionable but each hair of its pelt is wired straight into the creature 's brain , and if you twitch it the wrong way the thing will flex its tendons and turn on you , unzipping its claws .
13 Erm I 'm , I admit er that that was one I just bolted simply because I was taking it the wrong way round , I thought we had identified what was the priority , life insurance , P H I and pensions and was summarizing it whereas I should 've realized we 're doing that page towards the priority
14 and you wonder why you 're losing all your matches cos every time the ball comes to him he ca n't trap it or if he does he kicks it the wrong way
15 When the Goncourt brothers noted in their Journal in the 1860s that the new Paris resembled ‘ some future American Babylon ’ , they were nearer to the truth than they knew , though they got it the wrong way round , for it was in many of the cities of the United States that French influence was predominant .
16 Good try — but you got it the wrong way round !
17 since I am one of those people who do something the wrong way round , if there is the slightest opportunity , I also inserted the needle incorrectly the first time only spotting my mistake when I read on and found that I could not follow the next instruction if my needle was at the back of the work .
18 Next , they brought out the wally who placed his head on the block but , being a wally , he did it the wrong way , facing upwards instead of downwards .
19 Oh very good , good , watch that it 's very easy to get it the wrong way round .
20 Five , no I do it the wrong way
21 Right , and then this ship , S , radios the helicopter and says , this ship J is on a bearing of , and let's say , let's say , he does it the wrong way round , is on a bearing of forty five degrees ,
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