Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] the wrong [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I waved at the receptionist , who had obviously forgotten about me , as I left , saying : ‘ Sorry , the despatcher 's given me the wrong street . ’
2 And if racing round the world was n't enough , these half million pound yachts will be tackling it the wrong way — against the winds and currents , to commemorate the first time it was done 21 years ago by British sailor Chay Blyth .
3 THE reader who lives in a council house and believes her rent is subsidising home-buyers has it the wrong way round .
4 Yeah well they , they sold it at the wrong ti I mean they built it the wrong time did n't they ?
5 ‘ One train a week and they told me the wrong day .
6 Well I was supposed to be but erm every single time they arrange it and they either tell me the wrong da well they told me the wrong day last week cos , they told me Tuesd they told me it was Thursday when it , when it was actually Tuesday when I was getting pissed at Scott 's house so erm it was too late by then .
7 A lot of them were slow , and did n't know what they were doing half the time : they 'd give you the wrong medicine .
8 ‘ Which way ? ’ he asked , when at last the engine spluttered into life , and she directed him the wrong way round so that they might overtake and confront the trio lurching towards Midnight Mass .
9 that 's the wrong way , you 've done it the wrong way have n't you ?
10 you 've used a triangular bandage to cover a wound in the scalp , it 's not a chopping block wound right , it 's not the chopper in its wound right , it 's just a minor wound in the scalp , yes , and that came round and tied at the front , tucked at the back , you used these roller bandages to cover a graze or a wound on the end of an elbow or a knee or the hand , foot and then a straight one up the arm okay , so a lot of your bandaging is using these little roller bandages with the lint pad and do n't forget when you get into the exam do it , do n't do it the wrong way round , remember that you look at your bandage and you put the lint onto the wound , not the other way round right , yeah , you put the lint face down onto the wound , okay ?
11 The sort of stuff that you get in in y'know sort of everyday gossip between friends about y'know when people talk about each- other , oh I think he 's a bit er I think he 's a bit camp , or I think he probably is but erm yeah yeah all that kind of thing yeah erm is is like the the informal repertoire , the informal repertoire that you do between friends erm , between people to whom it sort of y'know it 's not very important if you give them the wrong impression sort of thing .
12 The words were leading him the wrong way .
13 She thought of the helpful policeman who had told her the wrong day for the train .
14 No , no , no you 've got it the wrong way round , I went , I brought you here and then I had to go back cos I was in the Royal Marine Police
15 ‘ No , Ace , you 've got it the wrong way round .
16 got it the wrong way round .
17 In the evening of Valentine 's Day , do take two white oak leaves , and lay them across your pillow , when you go to bed , putting on a clean shift or shirt , and turning it the wrong side outwards , lay down and say these words aloud , ‘ Good Valentine be kind to me , in dreams let me my true love see . ’
18 It does n't matter if we get them the wrong way round it 'll still work out .
19 And having my kind of build , being quite big and wearing miniskirts , I know that sometimes it gets me the wrong kind of attention from boys only interested in physical relationships .
20 They listened to people who knew nothing about the game , to people who exploited them , people who taught them the wrong things .
21 It 's probably only that old quack Hardacre feeding him the wrong antibiotics — Agnes shared George 's view of Sir Frank ‘ — but if each course takes five days before they decide it is n't working , it can run on .
22 ‘ Yes , that was because Lesley-Jane was giving me the wrong cues .
23 and it was dark green oh it it 's not bad but you know I 'd just lost ten pounds to the taxi driver to him giving me the wrong change so I was feeling in a very frugal mood an and this the green of this candlestick holder you know what I call the old fashioned dark green , of some china ?
24 She even got round giving me the wrong answer first , which I thought was quite subtle .
25 He says , ‘ You 've been giving me the wrong club all week . ’
26 And like half way through it they said ehm , they 've giving somebody the wrong prize money or something , they 've giving somebody fifty pounds , they should off giving it to this other coloured women right , and apparently this women was giving it all wow man yeah man , and all this you , you know they give it to them in the end and then she won the twelve hundred pounds .
27 But I think I would be giving you the wrong impression if I suggested that most of the evaluation studies with which I 've been concerned have involved this kind of conclusion , or this kind of result .
28 The catalogue of errors which can produce this effect is broad , encompassing taking account of irrelevant considerations , failing to take account of relevant considerations , acting for improper purposes , asking itself the wrong question , and acting in breach of natural justice .
29 It 's doing everything the wrong way round at the wrong time .
30 Had her mother given her the wrong information ?
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