Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] far as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She fiercely ignored a small internal voice that warned her there was a fat chance of that coming to pass as far as he was concerned .
2 He was completely satisfied with the explanation ; the lawsuit was to be discontinued as far as he himself was concerned , and he had written to Mr. Jennings asking him to withdraw as well .
3 If she meant to make us nervous , she 's succeeded as far as I 'm concerned .
4 ‘ I mean , you 're welcome to come as far as I 'm concerned ’ .
5 ‘ She said they 'd have plenty of room , and one more was n't any bother as far as she was concerned . ’
6 You can have been had by the whole of Fighter Command as far as I 'm concerned ; just as long as you add me to the list . ’
7 Yeah , miles better , for the good of the country they 're not good for you , women should n't have the vote you know women should n't get the vote , I think they should bring back , bring back just men having vote , women do n't get a say as far as I 'm concerned that 's a good idea do n't you think ?
8 I 'll cooperate as far as I can , on the understanding of course that I remain in control — full control — of anything to do with my project .
9 Managers in their late forties begin to see that they are no longer the up-and-coming stars — indeed they may have come as far as they are going to go .
10 But they also dislike those who were born into the same station in life , or further down , and who have n't risen as far as they have .
11 But it does n't matter as far as we 're concerned because one side of Katrina is just as bright as the other side .
12 ‘ If you want to leave , go right ahead , walk as far as you like .
13 All in all , you will find that your chances of happiness together under the same roof will depend very largely upon your ability to respect and accept her individuality , to see that she gets her share of family affection , to make it possible for her to keep usefully occupied ( within her limitations ) in the home , and to engage as far as she can in all the outside interests she has always enjoyed .
14 But nothing was done as far as we know .
15 And you need done as far as I 'm concerned !
16 A spokesman for one of the giant supermarket chains stocking Turtle food , says as far as they 're concerned , there 's plenty of nutritional value in their pizzas .
17 My Boss says as far as he 's concerned a crêche is a motor accident in Kelvinside and any self respecting woman should have a good man to take care of her so its only pinmoney anyway and that 's bound to come out in the attitude .
18 The sparrow was n't too badly injured as far as I could tell , but it was obviously in a state of shock and could n't fly .
19 This paint will run as far as it is allowed but will not bleed .
20 This paint will run as far as it is allowed but will not bleed .
21 Right my wife was selling as far as I was concerned .
22 I commented as far as I am prepared to a moment ago .
23 Okay well we 're waiting as far as I know for the money to come
24 If my readers still doubt this let them consider the situation as we find it among societies which have not advanced as far as we have , for instance , among the aborigines of Central Australia .
25 He no longer expects to win major tournaments but he settles for creating a noisy sensation in going as far as he can go .
26 I 've got a shattered arm as well which means that I can really use only one arm , but I have to keep the muscles in the other one going as far as I can . ’
27 I turned as far as I could without rocking or creaking , but I could n't see him .
28 Women are faced with making a choice between the needs of their children and their own needs , and that is one of the things which , because they 've put the needs of their children , the needs of their dependents , ahead of their own needs , they themselves and the needs of women have not got as far as they could .
29 but , er , I do n't think they 've got as far as yours have
30 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
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