Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] for the moment " in BNC.

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1 He lives only for the moment , and he is already a changed man .
2 That has now decided that it will have one meeting of it 's council a year which will be it 's A G M , it has not for the moment elected an executive committee .
3 Toby had come back for the moment .
4 Is everything sorted out for the moment ?
5 Feeling a twinge of guilt because she 'd inadvertently brought it all up when all they wanted was for it to remain buried , and pushing aside for the moment the whys and wherefores of her grandfather 's involvement , Ellie apologised quietly , ‘ I 'm sorry .
6 can we put can we put problem solving in for the moment ?
7 Instead you manipulate the plots of the others to your own ends , playing one off against the others , letting them waste their energies in fruitless rivalries while you look on from a safe distance , waiting patiently for the moment to make your move , the day when I drop dead and you can come home and claim your own .
8 keep you ticking over for the moment
9 ‘ He feels it best that you stay here for the moment .
10 For some reason he picked up on that word and let her cool statement go by for the moment .
11 Carry on for the moment . ’
12 He did not for the moment notice Auguste .
13 Let us put aside for the moment the misgiving that the latter phrase ushers in the intentional ingredient once more .
14 You raise the possibility of a continuous loop presentation video : the idea is not a new one but has been put aside for the moment because of the high costs involved in making such an item .
15 It does not for the moment wish to take on additional responsibilities in respect of criminal legal aid , means assessments and determinations and taxations of costs , given that it is not at present in a position to do the work more effectively .
16 Leaving aside for the moment the special interest groups which might be more amenable to user education programmes , let us look at work with adults with no allegiance to the public library other than that they are committed users of the service .
17 Leaving aside for the moment the question of the objective reality or otherwise of terrestrial zodiacs , how can we set about finding ( or creating ) them ?
18 Leaving aside for the moment a final conflict over the estates of Canterbury , we may turn to Anselm 's efforts to hold a council for the reform of morals and discipline throughout the land .
19 Leaving aside for the moment the nature of teachers ' particular educational philosophy , I now wish to move from describing the predicament from the outside , so to speak , to looking at it through the eyes and feelings of teachers themselves .
20 Leaving aside for the moment the question of informal import barriers , the restrictive practices used by larger manufacturers can be used as one explanation of the highly dispersed structure of distribution .
21 Leaving aside for the moment the problem of determining a norm , we may define deviance as a purely statistical notion : as the difference between the normal frequency of a feature , and its frequency in the text or corpus .
22 Leaving aside for the moment differences in personal qualities and skills , which may or may not vary with the curriculum , it would seem that graduates who can offer both expertise and ability are in the strongest employment position , those who offer either one or the other may also find a job niche , but that those who offer neither are worst off .
23 Leaving aside for the moment purely defensive moves , not calculated to increase efficiency , responses may , following Eisenberg 's terminology , lead to improvements in operating efficiency or resource efficiency .
24 Leaving aside for the moment the matter of the educational validity of the principles under discussion , their most immediately apparent influence — as might be expected — was on the physical appearance of PNP classrooms .
25 From the individual 's lifetime budget constraint , it follows that the present value of receipts is equal to the present value of expenditure ( leaving aside for the moment the effect of uncertainty ) .
26 Setting aside for the moment the human science/humanities distinction we need to decide whether there is any real difference between ‘ humanities ’ and ‘ arts ’ .
27 ‘ You can sit here for the moment , ’ said Dyson , opening the mail from his in-tray , ‘ while we get this sorted out .
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