Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] the [adj] idea " in BNC.

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1 Dennis Parsons was an accountant of the new ‘ creative ’ variety , for whom the firm 's actual turnover represents only the original idea on which the completed tax return is based .
2 The return to my house is strained by the thought that he still has not the faintest idea where he is going .
3 The hon. Gentleman is really behaving disgracefully — — when he accuses British Rail of negligence before an inquiry has even begun , and when he has not the slightest idea of what caused that accident .
4 There is an increasing number of local authorities , universities and schools wishing to try out the artist-in-residence idea .
5 Another past champion graphically described this as the moment when the golfer blacks out and has n't the remotest idea that he is holding a putter at all .
6 Is in the top 5 per cent of UK managers , but has n't the faintest idea how good she is .
7 He simply replies that he has n't the faintest idea .
8 He has n't the faintest idea of how things really stand . ’
9 And he has n't the least idea of how much it will come to .
10 You 're just an ignorant little squirt who has n't the foggiest idea what you 're talking about ! ’
11 Her escorts pay when she goes out to restaurants or parties , so Pickles has n't the foggiest idea about money .
12 For all their talk about the wisdom of the marketplace , the Thatcher government could not give up the paternalistic idea that they had to regulate the independent television companies , with the continuation of the Independent Broadcasting Authority in the guise of an Independent Television Commission .
13 Again , she had plenty of opportunity to turn tail and run , to prove to him somehow , somewhere , some way , that he had got entirely the wrong idea about her .
14 ‘ I do n't think you 've got quite the right idea , Lili , ’ said my mother .
15 So one sees how the simplest idea of a very clean form of fuel can still have environmental disadvantages , and I think there will be a considerable debate as to whether that Loch Lomond hydro-electric scheme will be built or not .
16 Gertrude Stein expressed much the same idea when she wrote , ‘ Picasso in his early Cubist pictures used printed letters as did Juan Gris to force the painted surface to measure up to something rigid and the rigid thing was the printed letter . ’
17 By the law of association , the material image calls up the mental idea and vice versa .
18 Right at the beginning of his book Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art , in the first chapter called ‘ Renaissance : self-definition or self-deception ’ , he takes up the old idea that the Renaissance was the expression of a specific ‘ spirit ’ .
19 I was surrounded by a crowd of shouting , gesticulating Malts , who pulled at my parachute , lifted my head and drove me so furious that I had to give up the dying idea in order to concentrate completely on kicking every Malt who came within range .
20 He was slow to use even the basic idea of evolution in his paleontological work , and did so only in the mid 1860s after reading the work of the German evolutionist Ernst Haeckel .
21 Furthermore , the activists in political movements that fly religious banners are rarely religious in any serious sense ; indeed , they may have only the haziest idea of the doctrines they claim to champion .
22 Equally to the point , the spectre of drastic economies that haunts so many men and women is often the result of their having only the haziest idea as to their likely income and expenditure .
23 This would , he thought , assist in deterrence because ‘ in crude , vulgar minds , the seductive picture of a particularly advantageous crime should immediately call up the associated idea of punishment ’ ( Beccaria , 1963 : 57 ) .
24 Er the point I was making to her was erm in her paper which er was excellent by the way , I forgot to say and I think you put it all very clearly and very nicely , y you , you very nicely set out the basic idea that the consequence and that in principle a male need contribute nothing more than his penis .
25 For instance , the foreign in foreign policy is the same foreign as in foreign goods ( where the adjective is ascriptive ) ; likewise the associative abdominal of abdominal support expresses just the same idea as does the ascriptive adjective in : ( 16 ) this abdominal region is naturally more sensitive than the upper arm Similarly , in ( 9 ) we saw an alteration in the meaning of the noun qualified , but there was no reason to suspect the word Italian in itself of contributing two different values in the cases where it is used adjectivally .
26 His new art attempted to represent instead the underlying idea and so transcend the pseudo-reality — which is in fact precisely what traditional art , in its own way , had always done .
27 ‘ Mr Blake , somehow you seem to have entirely the wrong idea about me . ’
28 Shaking off the very idea of a German father was a wriggle of the shoulders , the thin cotton sleeves pushed down .
29 Blackstone 's idea of sovereignty addresses both the legal idea of the unlimited legislative power of the Queen-in-Parliament and the political idea of vesting absolute power in a single institution .
30 Bonar Law promptly gave up the whole idea , with obvious relief , as he told Balfour :
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