Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] everything [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He grunches up everything in the forest .
2 Robert Beale , Clerk to the Privy Council , insisting that the Secretary must know almost everything about the affairs of England and her neighbours , recommended that the essential material be stored in ten or twelve great books : one would contain treaties ; another would list recusants ; a third would deal with the Councils in the Marches and in the North ; and so on .
3 The rain was so bad last night that no one went out and we ate almost everything in the warren . "
4 It is impossible to look at any of their actions during the past three years without seeing that they are carrying Home Rule at the dictation of the Nationalist party , but that in order that Home Rule may be carried they are turning up everything in the country .
5 And I went to the video edit and they 'd used almost everything from the sexy take , it was really over-the-top , ’ she sighs .
6 The West Indian Commission 's report ( like practically everything in the Americas ) should be ready for the Columbus quincentenary parties in 1992 .
7 She put by the rent for the six weeks , and laid out everything for the bills — she usually pays £6 a week for gas , £2.68 newspapers , £2 club for her son 's clothes , £30 for food , £2.75 for school dinners in term time .
8 He took down everything except the photo of Uncle John 's platoon .
9 ‘ I persuaded him to sell me the rights to manufacture the Seven and I took over everything except the Lotus name . ’
10 Not necessarily : ‘ I do n't think I meant that even the people who have no caveats attached implied that they knew absolutely everything in the box .
11 He guessed that was how she would always be , blocking out everything for the preferred world of her own creation until an idea was spent .
12 And have you cleared up everything in the dining room ?
13 ‘ If I shut out everything except the rushing of the water I can hear different levels of sound . ’
14 Andrew and I spent many hours on the Windrush porch discussing almost everything under the sun from party politics to mystic transcendentalism .
15 But sooner or later writers ask whether geography really is a human study at all , possibly because some writers on human geography appear to have studied almost everything except the people .
16 - You start getting this strange maternal urge to bring in everything from the garden overnight .
17 Eubank said : ‘ Michael is never far from my thoughts — but he 'll understand better than anyone that on the day I must close out everything except the fight .
18 The Protocol documentation , as is seen later , requires the seller 's conveyancer to prepare absolutely everything at the outset , so that a complete package is sent to the buyer 's conveyancer for consideration .
19 Erm no in in terms of selling advertising we make sure that the prospective advertiser knows absolutely everything on the phone .
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