Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adj] support for " in BNC.

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1 The meeting of the European Movement unanimously underlined its strong support for Britain to adopt PR and fall into line with the other EC members which operate some proportional system for the European elections .
2 It also looks as though Kinnock is close to announcing his personal support for changing the electoral system .
3 The French government on Oct. 14 affirmed its continued support for the government of President Idress Déby and four days later announced that 300 paratroops would be sent to reinforce the 1,100 French troops already stationed in Chad .
4 Diplomatic tension between the two countries grew steadily during October in the wake of threats by the Turkish government to cut off the flow of the Euphrates river unless Syria ceased its tacit support for the KWP , which was in direct contravention of the Turkish-Syrian agreement of 1987 .
5 Lecturers voiced their overwhelming support for Mrs Falconer and her sister at a meeting at RGU yesterday .
6 On April 19 Verdiger announced that he would after all support Labour , but on April 22 Shas , the ultra-orthodox party which had played a major role in the collapse of the coalition in March by abstaining in a vote of no-confidence , announced its absolute support for Likud .
7 Vietnam announced its full support for the declaration as did ASEAN 's Western dialogue partners and .
8 A similar position was adopted by Bill Vander Zalm , the Premier of British Columbia , who had suggested on June 22 that his province was reconsidering its initial support for the Accord .
9 With the continuing uncertainty over Newlove 's health and teaching capacity , the LEA withdrew its financial support for Chapter III courses but continued to meet the costs of the existing Tutorial Classes .
10 We are anxious to express our wholehearted support for the renewal , on a permanent basis , of the Nuclear-Non Proliferation Treaty — an objective which we know is shared by HMG .
11 In Britain , especially , the political ideas of trade union leaders in recent decades have been very confused ; on one side , most of them have continued to proclaim their general support for the Labour Party , and thus for the idea of a socialist society , however vaguely conceived , while on the other side , many of them have accepted in fact the principles of a market economy in the emphasis which they place upon ‘ free collective bargaining ’ .
12 It is not surprising that Moscow has pronounced its strong support for a nuclear-free Southeast Asia .
13 In the speech Gorbachev expressed his personal support for the United Nations , which had ‘ increasingly manifested its ability to act as a unique international centre in the service of peace and security ’ , and repeated his belief that the most important issues that faced the world community were global rather than regional in character .
14 Clarkson wanted to co-operate with Buxton and J.J. Gurney to ‘ , endeavour to preserve harmony between the two Societies ’ and indicated his ecumenical support for other organisations advocating black improvement and different lines of attack on slavery : he mentioned Oberlin College , the Society for Free Negroes in Canada and the British India Society ( BIS ) .
15 Lothian Regional Council , in March 1992 , recorded its conditional support for the Draft Local Plan — which explicitly excluded any support for the development of housing at Colt Hill .
16 Financial support is perhaps the most accessible to documentation , although even this is not always clear , especially for the great majority of the population who did not codify their financial support for kin through wills and settlements , simply because they lived from hand to mouth .
17 The vehement anti-US feeling in Nicaragua ( so often cited as the latest Communist ‘ gain ’ in Latin America ) has as much to do with the history of US involvement in the country ( not to mention its current support for counter-revolutionary activity ) as it does with any Marxist ‘ indoctrination ’ .
18 It has emphasised its continued support for Green Belts , although much of the most controversial development is taking place in areas outside them , and appears to be responding to the fears of its backbenchers about the electoral disadvantages of apparently condoning the wholesale ‘ concreting over ’ of southern England .
19 Bush reiterated his opposition to further settlement in the occupied territories , but stressed his unconditional support for Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union .
20 In an interview with NIN ( 27 December 1987 ) , Professor Smiljković announced his full support for the new political trend in Serbia , and in particular for ‘ differentiation ’ , the rooting out of ‘ opportunism ’ , and the replacement of old cadres by new ones .
21 On the question of the dinner circuit , in addition to the point mentioned above , I was very fortunate in that my firm at the time gave me financial support for travelling to a number of dinners .
22 Israel 's Jaffee Centre gives its qualified support for an independent Palestinian state in the occupied territories .
23 In general , though , it was notable that Labour , as in 195 1 , fought a negative and backward-looking contest , offering no new initiatives , and reiterating its well-known support for the National Health Service , public education , and fuller employment .
24 Furthermore , mutinies and desertions in the forces led to soldiers of the different nationalities returning home to offer their armed support for national administrations .
25 The head of the Defence Agency 's Bureau of Defence Policy , Shigeru Hatakeyama , announced on March 13 that Japan was increasing its financial support for US forces within the country by $269 million in the fiscal year 1991 .
26 The TUC was never able to offer its full support for fear of challenging the law and a lawfully elected government .
27 Although Mr Taylor refused to reveal whether or not the Premier League deal is acceptable to him or his members , who yesterday gave him overwhelming support for necessary action , it would be foolish to embark on a strike now .
28 My hon. Friend has a characteristically robust way of demanding our continued support for British lamb producers .
29 Labour seemed happiest when proclaiming its undying support for the National Health Service and the state education system of the post-Beveridge era .
30 Prime Minister Pierre Bérégovoy narrowly defeated a no confidence vote in the National Assembly on June 1 , in which 25 deputies of the French Communist Party ( PCF ) abandoned their passive support for the ruling Socialist Party ( PS ) to join the opposition parties tabling the motion — the Gaullist Rally for the Republic ( RPR ) and the centrist Union for French Democracy ( UDF ) .
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