Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [prep] the face " in BNC.

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1 At a launch party , at Heaven , he took two platefuls of celebratory cake and , with a gesture of proprietorial confidence that Rupert Murdoch or Robert Maxwell would have been hard put to match , flung them in the faces of his two editors .
2 ‘ They got me on the face , stomach and legs .
3 ( It 's like continually slapping someone across the face — almost a wince . )
4 And do you honestly think that I normally allow females to wallop me across the face ?
5 A. ( touching her face ) Because if someone 's black , if you touch them in the face you might think your face might get black .
6 A handful of what he thought was heather thatch caught him in the face , but it was n't : a corn-stack had been pushed over and some of the netting had burst .
7 Because he thinks a woman is not gon na get up and smack him in the face .
8 I 'd like to punch him in the face for his insolence .
9 For centuries therefore , statute has placed a limit on the time after which a claimant to an interest in land may bring an action to establish it in the face of the possession of another person holding under a later title …
10 There , sure enough , I found the recipe for dissolving phosphorus in olive oil and applying it to the face for a ‘ ghost ’ .
11 Consequently it has sometimes been difficult for the new patterns to establish themselves in the face of combined resistance from programme committees , established departments , and professional senior officers .
12 Again I felt that terrible pain and sickness , but a few seconds later I found myself with the face and body and character of Henry Jekyll once more .
13 Referring to the burden which subsidies placed on the state budget , Ben Ali said that " we can no longer do nothing in the face of the growth of the compensation costs , which alone absorb one-quarter of state expenditure " .
14 He blacked out a couple of his front teeth with stage cosmetics and made his breath smell with chemical — oldest trick in the business to prevent people looking you in the face close to .
15 A MAN punches you in the face .
16 As soon as you think you 've got it licked , it smacks you in the face .
17 Catherine sounded suddenly exhausted , and as she gave him back the cup she turned towards him , letting him see that she had been crying , but without looking him in the face .
18 " You can tell him , " I said , turning and looking him in the face , " that you were entirely mistaken ; that my boss really is my boss , and that I 'm not going to have a baby . "
19 But , standing in her bathroom , with her looking at him with those lovely blue eyes , her whole soul looking him in the face , her integrity undeniable , he knew the truth .
20 It is when we make an attempt to clarify it that the confidence begins to desert us in the face of difficulties .
21 Even when you avert your eyes from his daily economic blunders , you 'll always find another sad aspect of his premiership slapping you in the face .
22 A harvest earned by many far from home , With memories of some old English place Or Scottish croft ; and now that evils come , Let's look them in the face .
23 Here , though it is not true that they have no food , for they still have their daily supplies of the ‘ worthless ’ manna , they remain without water , and , manna or no manna , death would seem to stare them in the face .
24 I suppose she 's just done one for you , no wonder you ca n't look me in the face . ’
25 But he ca n't look me in the face .
26 You have to smack them in the face and leave without saying goodbye .
27 ‘ Thank you , ’ she said , not daring to look them in the face .
28 I do n't think I could bear to look them in the face . ’
29 The benefit of this will be apparent when a force ten westerly has sent your brolly to Holland and is pummelling you in the face .
30 She showed no inclination to argue further , but lay back in her chair , smiling at Robert , and I saw that it was not , as I had believed , understanding and acceptance that her smile revealed , not that their marriage was so secure it could sustain itself in the face of any disagreement , but that Lili could afford to be pleasant because she had no scruples .
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