Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [noun pl] act " in BNC.

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1 The changes were carried into the Companies Act 1989 and are now known as the ‘ New Settlement ’ .
2 Many of the matters discussed appear in the Companies Act under the heading ‘ Management and Administration , ’ and the orthodox textbook arrangement is to consider them merely as aspects of the company 's internal machinery .
3 If the Government is serious about reducing the burdens on business , it says , then the £2m turnover criterion contained in the Companies Act makes much more sense than the proposed £36,600 VAT threshold which is far too low .
4 These definitions are significantly more positive than those contained in the Companies Act 1985 , and they make no allowance for the likelihood of the contingencies crystallising into actual liabilities ; this is apparently in conflict with SSAP 18 , Accounting for Contingencies , which requires remote contingencies to be excluded from accounts disclosures .
5 The law governing prospectuses is contained in the Companies Act 1985 .
6 Certain other provisions contained in the Patents Act 1977 are worthy of brief mention .
7 Before the changes contained in the Children Act 1989 came into effect the LEA , when contemplating prosecution , had to consider the appropriateness or otherwise of instituting care proceedings under section 1 ( 2 ) ( e ) of the Children and Young Persons Act ( CYPA ) in the juvenile court ( on the ground that a child was ‘ not receiving full-time education suitable to his age , ability and aptitude ’ ) , instead of or as well as prosecuting ( see Education Act 1944 section 40(2) ) .
8 The restrictions on Sunday trading contained in the Shops Act 1950 do not apply in Scotland , with the exception of hairdressers and barbers .
9 First , on the general anti-fraud provisions contained in the Securities Act 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act 1934 ( SEA ) , as developed by case law ; and second , on what has recently emerged as the SEC 's new and potentially most potent weapon — the misappropriation theory .
10 Home Office Circular 48/1991 contains guidance for magistrates on procedural and other matters relating to the Children Act .
11 The words in the second pair of square brackets in sub-section two B were substituted by the Courts Act nineteen seventy one , section three , subsection five .
12 Section 186 , as substituted by the Companies Act 1989 , provides :
13 In this capacity Baker submitted biannual reports and advised on legislation , which was elaborated and then codified by the Factories Act of 1878 .
14 They are similar to those appearing in statutory instruments made under the Companies Act 1985 which relate to businesses , and include words such as bank , Great Britain , Queen , United Kingdom and Windsor .
15 The local authority , which shared parental responsibility for J. in consequence of a care order made under the Children Act 1989 , obtained leave under section 100 of the Act to invoke the court 's inherent jurisdiction to determine whether artificial ventilation and/or other life-saving measures should be administered to J. if he were to suffer a life-threatening event .
16 These recommendations were accepted and incorporated into the Courts Act 1971 which merged Assizes , Quarter Sessions and the Central Criminal Court into one Crown Court with two tiers of full-time judges , together with part-time recorders and assistant recorders .
17 Provision for this is now made in the Children Act 1989 .
18 A company is a legal entity whose affairs are mainly regulated by the Companies Act 1985 .
19 To comply with the Companies Act 1985 , auditors are required ( by section 236 ) to state expressly whether , in their opinion , the balance sheet and the profit and loss account ( and , if it is a holding company submitting group accounts , the group accounts ) have been properly prepared in accordance with the statutory requirements , and whether the accounts show a " true and fair view " of the state of the company 's affairs and of its profit ( or loss ) .
20 The Imperial Cancer Research Fund , which is not a company limited by guarantee , would have to comply with the Charities Act .
21 Guide to the Factories Act 1961 is available from HMSO and booksellers , price £1 .
22 Where the objects of the society are charitable in the legal sense , which includes the relief of poverty , the advancement of education or religion , and other purposes beneficial to the community , formalities prescribed by older statutes have been abolished by the Charities Act 1960 , which , however , provides for compulsory registration of all charities not especially exempted .
23 This immunity has now been abolished by the Animals Act 1971 , so that where damage is caused by animals straying on the highway the question of liability is to be decided in accordance with the ordinary principles of negligence .
24 In any case a company formed under the Companies Act has a considerable power of altering the objects stated in the Memorandum of Association which is signed by its first members at the formation of the company , subject to the power of the holders of fifteen per cent of its shares or debentures to apply to the court to cancel an alteration .
25 A corporation can not be made bankrupt ; but a company formed under the Companies Act 1985 or similar earlier Acts can be wound up , and its property distributed , according to rules similar to those applicable to bankruptcy .
26 IV Winding up of companies registered under the Companies Act
27 We are primarily concerned in the hotel and catering industry with registered companies incorporated and registered under the Companies Act 1985 .
28 This means that the company in question must be formed and registered under the Companies Act 1985 or under the former Companies Acts …
29 It was held that this did not entitle the seller to take from the buyer the proceeds of the sub-sales of his ( the seller 's ) property ; instead it merely created a charge in favour of the seller which was void because it was not registered under the Companies Act .
30 ( a ) where a recognised body ceases to be registered under the Companies Act as an unlimited company or a company limited by shares ;
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