Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [num ord] moment " in BNC.

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1 The High Elf sorcerers had succeeded in opening the vortex but were trapped within it , eternally keeping it open , eternally trapped in the last moments of their battle with Chaos .
2 Please do not wait until the last moment to inform us .
3 Please do not wait until the last moment to inform us .
4 Charles had planned to take part in a private Mass with the Pope , but was forbidden at the last moment after strong protest to the government from the Church of England hierarchy .
5 The borough MPs were very different from their county colleagues , and only thirty-seven of the eighty-six from English boroughs even lived in the same towns ; many were carpet-bagging lawyers , induced to stand at the last moment and at the expense of Central Office .
6 Quite often operations could be cancelled at the last moment owing to worsening weather conditions , and this must have been a terrible let-down for them , after getting themselves keyed-up for yet another hectic night .
7 The promised job with the chain stores was cancelled at the last moment ‘ due to the Depression ’ , the standard excuse .
8 He was preparing himself for a British Council tour of France but it was cancelled at the last moment ; he did , however , fly to Amsterdam and then on to Rome in December under the auspices of the same organization .
9 Elections for both the Lok Sabha and the state Assembly had then been scheduled to coincide with the June 1991 general election but were cancelled at the last moment [ see p. 38287 ] .
10 A planned trip by PLO chair Yassir Arafat to Syria in mid-October was cancelled at the last moment .
11 In the reception class it can be seen in the first moments of a school day .
12 This average is related to the second moment of the distribution by the equation .
13 I believe in taking action on fact and not fantasy , but I think it was Lord Zuckerman who was the scientific advisor to the government , who said that government has never taken preventive measures that would prove to be unjustified , and if you always wait to the last moment before being convinced to do anything , that 's often a moment too late .
14 The publication in April of Poems on Various Subjects , its preface written at the last moment in Cottle 's bookshop , was a genuine cause for satisfaction and received enthusiastic reviews .
15 It ran straight , veered at the last moment and dropped .
16 Remarkably , they were saved at the last moment and rebuilt , now forming a group of pleasant dwellings .
17 Their daughter , Georgiana , is a pathetic creature , utterly crushed by the magnificence of her parents ; she falls an easy prey to the Lammles ' schemes to marry her off to Fledgeby , but is saved at the last moment by a change of heart on Mrs Lammle 's part .
18 Thus , where rent is payable quarterly in advance on the usual quarter days a term of " seven years from 25 March " will be construed as beginning at the first moment of 25 March , so that the first payment of rent will fall due on the first day of the term and the last payment of rent would be made in respect of a complete quarter , which ends at the last moment of the term .
19 Delegations from Algeria and Yemen travelled to Moscow but withdrew at the last moment in solidarity with the Palestinian delegation .
20 The CDP also expressed its concern at the fact that no polytechnic director had been on the visiting party ( in fact , when the visiting party was first put together , it did include i polytechnic director , who withdrew at the last moment ) .
21 It had a very ill-fated start in that some of the original ideas of establishing it as an independent agency with a trading fund were thwarted at the last moment .
22 As an added deterrent , this species usually waits until the last moment for the final clamping-down movement .
23 As though clinging to the last moments of a vanishing pleasure , he counted the baulks of timber edging darkly towards the boats .
24 19ff ) ; one of the earliest attested acts of faith centred upon the near sacrifice of a human being ( Isaac , son of Abraham ) , replaced at the last moment by a substitute ram which was given as a burnt-offering ( Gen. 22 ) ; and the first redemption of the embryonic nation Israel involved the smearing of the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorposts and lintels of the Hebrews ' homes in Egypt as a sign to the Angel of Death to leave them in safety ( Exod.
25 And of course the woman was n't really one of theirs , just some distant freelance , and the back-up with her was some nutty amateur they 'd had to use at the last moment
26 Content that all was finally settled , Coleridge was unprepared when his West Country plans were threatened by one further difficulty , raised at the last moment by Tom Poole himself .
27 Startled , Tal flew from his perch straight past her head , swerving at the last moment , flapping a wing in her face .
28 Startled , Tal flew from his perch straight past her head , swerving at the last moment , flapping a wing in her face .
29 Thus , where rent is payable quarterly in advance on the usual quarter days a term of " seven years from 25 March " will be construed as beginning at the first moment of 25 March , so that the first payment of rent will fall due on the first day of the term and the last payment of rent would be made in respect of a complete quarter , which ends at the last moment of the term .
30 Each time they 've been reprieved at the last moment .
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