Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] third party " in BNC.

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1 If an injury is serious i.e. where marked residual aspects claimed and/or lengthy absence from work involved , it is not advisable to wait for the third party solicitors to produce a Medical Report .
2 They wanted finally to see off the third party ; predictably , they failed . )
3 The action would not be an indirect method of enforcing the contract against the other contracting party because it lies against a third party and in tort .
4 TVS , which loses its south of England television franchise at end of year , said it had been approached by a third party , which may lead to an alternative take-over offer to the one already proposed .
5 The transaction may also take the form of a reverse takeover or a rights issue underwritten by a third party who expects to acquire a controlling interest pursuant to the underwriting .
6 There is a difficult , and unresolved , question about the application of the " fair comment " defence to comment by a third party which is published in a newspaper .
7 Ownership links between ITV and radio were often indirect and came through a third party , including newspaper groups .
8 If , instead of persuading B to break his contract or causing him to do so by direct unlawful action against him , A brings about the breach of the contract between B and C by operating through a third party , X , A may still be liable to C , provided unlawful means are used .
9 5.13.2 If called upon to do so to furnish to the Landlord the Surveyor or any person acting as the third party determining the rent in default of agreement between the parties under any provisions for rent review contained in this Lease such information as may [ reasonably ] be requested in writing in relation to any pending or intended step under the 1954 Act or the implementation of any provisions for rent review This seems quite innocuous but an unreasonable landlord could become a nuisance and apart from ensuring that " reasonably " is included , the tenant should also begin each subclause as follows : If called upon to do so ( but not more frequently than may be reasonable )
10 3.2 The right with the Surveyor and any person acting as the third party determining the Rent in default of agreement between the parties under the provisions for rent review contained in this Lease at [ any time or convenient hours and on reasonable prior notice ] to enter and to inspect [ and measure ] the Premises for all purposes connected with any pending or intended step under the 1954 Act or the implementation of the above provisions Any right of access given to the landlord is likely to be disruptive to the tenant 's business unless exercised outside normal business hours and in accordance with an arrangement previously settled by the landlord with the tenant .
11 Before the master the attack on the third party notice was , I understand , based on somewhat technical issues , such as the want of particularity in the allegations made against the third party , the fact that there is no assertion that he was part of the conspiracy in which the third defendant is said to have joined and an argument that the third defendant and the third party are not on any view liable to the plaintiffs in respect of the same damage , so that the case is not within section 1(1) of the Civil Liability ( Contribution ) Act 1978 , which I shall mention in some detail later .
12 All the same , the evidence strongly supports the view that missio was granted against a third party only in the event of his having notice of a trust .
13 Olympus before the end of this week : I do n't know how desperate this is , message came via a third party .
14 In the event of our cancelling this order as to all or any of the goods and/or the work covered thereby we shall be entitled to purchase from a third party a like quantity of goods of similar description and quality , or a reasonable alternative thereto , bearing in mind our need to take delivery of the goods by the date specified overleaf , or to contract with a third party to perform work of a similar description and quality , and in that event you shall be liable to reimburse to us on demand all expenditure incurred by us in connection with our said cancellation , including any increase in the price over that stated overleaf .
15 Members of the scheme also benefit from a third party insurance , for a premium of £2 a year .
16 In many cases , knowledge of that heroin use came from a third party , particularly the police following the arrest of the user for drug-related offences including burglary and shoplifting .
17 With few exceptions , such as franchising in hotels and fast foods , where the service can be ‘ packaged ’ and transferred to a third party under stringent conditions of control , most service firms find that they require equity control to ‘ internalise ’ the gains and recoup the high costs of developing the network in the first place .
18 ’ The Protocol added the following sentence : ‘ However , proof to the contrary shall not be admissible when the bill of lading has been transferred to a third party acting in good faith . ’
19 Similarly , the obligations of one counterparty under the contract can not generally be transferred to a third party .
20 Thus , any shares offered for sale must first be offered to other shareholders before they can be transferred to a third party .
21 Though this case is always cited on the issue of whether the performance of a contractual obligation owed to a third party can be good consideration , the principal point at issue was whether the testator made an offer of contract at all .
22 But where the pre-existing obligation is a contractual duty owed to a third party , some other ground of public policy must be relied on to invalidate the consideration ( if otherwise legal ) …
23 Section 2(1) can have no application in these circumstances , since any liability owed to a third party victim who suffers the death or personal injury remains unaffected by the indemnity ( Thompson ) .
24 5.2 Miscellaneous It will be no breach of confidentiality to disclose documents on discovery in the course of litigation even if they are held subject to a duty of confidence owed to a third party .
25 This liability is owed to the third party in tort by the party in default , and the terms of the contract between the party in default and the innocent party can have no effect on it .
26 This may become relevant if the parties wish to revoke or modify the right , for this can not be done without the third party 's assent , unless it was previously agreed otherwise .
27 He and She can refer to the third party in either of the triangular relationships , but in Sonnet 2 He refers to the Friend 's future child , while in 3 She refers to the Friend 's mother ; in 50 and 51 He refers to the poet 's horse !
28 When a payment is required to be made to a third party ( trader , government , etc. ) the bank depositor draws , i.e. writes , a cheque on his bank payable to the third party .
29 Company lawyers are not keen on this very good scheme because where damage or loss is suffered by a third party , as for instance where a brake failure results in damage to an airport building , the dissemination of details of the circumstances in which it happened outside the company could prejudice the defence they are going to put up for their airline when the airport puts in a claim for damages .
30 The impact of a treaty upon a third party can range through various levels of intensity , from an actual duty accepted by a third party to perform certain acts , through to the treaty being ‘ incidentally unfavourable ’ to it .
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