Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] room [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Craig moved about the room lightly , he was surprisingly deft for a big man and as Hari watched him cut the bread into silly thin slices , she smiled .
2 He ranged about the room uneasily and leaned to her ear again : ‘ Waste of time !
3 If he wandered into a room where an ill person lay , and touched them , saying :
4 Marc had finished his rearrangement of the videos and moved across the room just as she herself moved forward .
5 Walk into a room where there 's a group of people , and ask , which want tea , and which want coffee .
6 Sidle into a room apologetically , look a hopeless failure and people may assume that you are .
7 It was probably some arrangement of S– and R — 's , but whenever I came into a room where they were , they trickled out !
8 Seru 's brother came into the room again .
9 Paul Lane came into the room just as he had finished telephoning Laetitia .
10 He came into the room once , said , " Put away your books , " and read us The Lemnian , Buchan 's story about Thermopylae .
11 I confess that when I came into the room more than twenty years — slipped away . ’
12 He gestured round the room expansively : ‘ I 'm cashing in too , in my little way .
13 In the meantime , it is essential that the collection is sited in a room where adequate supervision can be exercised .
14 He was looking round the room again , and this time revealed his purpose .
15 ‘ I get it a bit muddled , ’ said Calatin , looking round the room vaguely .
16 Her eyes moved over the room too .
17 Next day , at the mum-and-toddler group , your gentle , chatty child turns into a little monster : she spitefully destroys another child 's sandcastle , throws a tantrum when she ca n't have the toy she wants , or screams in terror if you so much as walk across the room away from her .
18 The solicitor 's gaze moved around the room once more as Price warmed to his task .
19 For a while she raged , inarticulate in her grief , rushing about the room uncontrollably , smashing and breaking , the pent-up anger pouring out of her in grunting , shrieking torrents .
20 He was asked to wait and then shown into a room where a detective sergeant prepared to take a statement from him .
21 Two sets of footsteps , one heavy and unsteady , and the light ones aye behind them , mounted the stairs and paused long at Eachuinn Odhar 's door , before turning into the room opposite .
22 Half the wall of the next house had been blown out , and he could see into the room beyond .
23 Boys pouring into the room below , laughing , chattering , me seeing them through the crack .
24 A small amount of reverberation will occur in the room where the recordings are played-back , but this will usually be so slight as to be unnoticeable .
25 Then we 'll hurry to the room where the King is , and kill Detchard and Bersonin before they have time to kill the King . ’
26 Mary was shown to a room where there was a warm fire and food on the table .
27 I would n't be able to walk across the room otherwise .
28 You could n't hardly see across the room sometimes .
29 She passed within a few feet of an arrow slit from which a light showed , but she was too far away to see into the room where the verderers were .
30 Flying past Endill he hurtled through a door , crashing into the room beyond .
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