Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [adj] stage " in BNC.

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1 TERRY COOPER yesterday accused Cambridge of a time-wasting campaign as Birmingham qualified for the international stage of the Anglo-Italian Cup .
2 It may be argued , though I think with difficulty , that there is no important difference between the modern welfare state and the nineteenth-century ‘ night watchman ’ state , in so far as it is still an instrument of bourgeois domination ; or that the welfare state — involving a high level of government intervention in the economy , the provision of extensive social services and a considerable degree of national economic planning — corresponds with a new stage in the development of capitalism , which may be called ‘ organized capitalism ’ ; or finally , that the welfare state is a particular stage in a general trend toward collectivism , inspired mainly by the labour movement , and from this aspect can be regarded as a transitional stage on the way to socialism .
3 The dissolution of a polymer in a solvent can be regarded as a two stage process .
4 Indeed , evaluation is regarded as an important stage in ‘ rational planning ’ or ‘ objectives ’ models of curriculum design , which rest on the assumption that education is a means towards ends .
5 Inconvertibility is generally regarded as the final stage in the development of the bank note or paper money .
6 The final stage is two years ' apprenticeship to an established solicitor , known as articles of clerkship , which can be regarded as the clinical stage of training during which the skills of managing an office , interviewing clients , writing letters , instructing counsel and handling client money are learned .
7 The facilitated interview may be appropriate in certain circumstances but should be treated as a second stage .
8 The aim of the research is to monitor , in a longitudinal study , the impact of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act on police contacts with the public , public evaluation of police procedures and efficacy , together with the rate of crime and incivilities , utilising as a first stage an already completed crime survey a local area .
9 The vendor should only account to the purchaser for post-taxation income earned during the interim stage .
10 This is considerably larger than the particle size used by Korth ( 1979 ) , but since even they had little effect on the small mammal bone , two large clasts were added as a third stage , weighing 368 g between them .
11 The district general hospital ( DGH ) units carried through the first stage of devolution of services .
12 Do n't overfeed them to compensate for the fasting stage .
13 It may be considered as a transitional stage between attendance at a special school and full integration into mainstream education , or as a stage leading towards more intensive specialised provision .
14 At about 5.30pm on Sunday everybody shut off their music and headed for the main stage to hear the results .
15 From around 785 to 814 Charles entered into a second stage of his expansion and conquests .
16 It may be argued , though I think with difficulty , that there is no important difference between the modern welfare state and the nineteenth-century ‘ night watchman ’ state , in so far as it is still an instrument of bourgeois domination ; or that the welfare state — involving a high level of government intervention in the economy , the provision of extensive social services and a considerable degree of national economic planning — corresponds with a new stage in the development of capitalism , which may be called ‘ organized capitalism ’ ; or finally , that the welfare state is a particular stage in a general trend toward collectivism , inspired mainly by the labour movement , and from this aspect can be regarded as a transitional stage on the way to socialism .
17 He would presumably have argued that the conservative variant of the normativist style lies in the theological stage of society , and the liberal variant is rooted in the metaphysical stage .
18 The kind of descriptive approach already widespread in schools — and for which there is plenty of published material available — needs from an early stage to be supplemented in an important way .
19 That was bad enough ; but worse yet was to come in the third stage .
20 For the four clubs Rovers are due to meet in the next stage of the Anglo-Italian Cup are setting the pace in Italy 's Serie B.
21 Learners acquire a particular language by receiving comprehensible input , that is to say by being exposed to messages expressed in language which is within the current acquired competence of the learners , together with language which is due to appear in the next stage of acquisition , and which can be eased into the mind by the help of context , knowledge of the world and so on .
22 Amidst patriotic excitement , it was won on the last stage by a Frenchman , Jean Robic .
23 Doctors believe the majority of cancer tumours grow to a certain stage before their cell walls rupture and release enzymes .
24 The leader with the sad smile slid into 20 years of disgrace before returning to the political stage with the fall of communism in late 1989 .
25 From the time that I was about eight , the Boxing Booth acted as a magnet to me and I spent a considerable time gazing in awe as the boxers paraded on the small stage outside the tent , ready to take on all corners .
26 Sarekat Islam was damaged by its association with the PKI : hence , as Sukarno began to appear on the political stage , there was something of a vacuum .
27 Though he had yet to appear on the dim-lit stage , I knew he was going to come for Kingsley Amis .
28 A subsidiary set of parameters may be devised to relate to a particular stage of the project which is being audited .
29 We should also remember that just as not every piece of writing need go through one or more stages of drafting , so some pieces of writing need not be pursued to a finished stage .
30 If Winnicott 's image of the mirror-image is a valid one and what the baby needs at a certain stage is a reflection of a meaningful world in which she/he has some place , we are also back with perception and self-perception .
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