Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] time prior " in BNC.

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1 11.1 Save as provided in clause 11.2 no agent adviser or other person acting for the Landlord has at any time prior to the making of this agreement been authorised by the Landlord to make to the Tenant or to any agent adviser or other person acting for the Tenant any representation whatever ( whether written oral or implied ) in relation to the Site or the Premises or to any matter contained or referred to in this agreement
2 B : [ pragmatically interpreted particle ] the milkman came at some time prior to the time of speaking Yet it is clear to native speakers that what would ordinarily be communicated by such an exchange involves considerably more , along the lines of the italicized material in ( 3 ) : ( 3 ) A : Do you have the ability to tell me the time of the present moment , as standardly indicated on a watch , and if so please do so tell me B : No I do n't know the exact time of the present moment , but I can provide some information from which you may be able to deduce the approximate time , namely the milkman has come ( see R. Lakoff , 1973a ; Smith & Wilson , 1979 : 172ff for a discussion of such examples ) .
3 to exercise the power contained in Article 134 ( B ) of the Articles of Association of the Company so that , to the extend determined by the Directors , the holders of Ordinary Shares be permitted to elect to receive new Ordinary Shares of 25p each in the capital of the Company , credited as fully paid , instead of all or part of any dividend declared or proposed to be declared at any time prior to or at the next Annual General Meeting of the Company ; and
4 Between 1941 and 1945 it created a following for itself which has never been equalled since and certainly did not exist at any time prior to 1941 .
5 the Trader shall be entitled at any time prior to commencement of transit to give seven days ' written notice to the Carrier requiring that the aforementioned £800 per tonne limit be increased but not so as to exceed the value of the Consignment and in the event of such notice being given the Trader shall within the said seven days agree with the Carrier an increase in the carriage charges in consideration of the said increased limit .
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