Example sentences of "[verb] [art] significant [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The answer , quite simply , is that other port employees are now allocated to dock work , representing a significant change to both working practices and labour utilisation .
2 After the First World War the term ‘ regional planning ’ was used extensively , the new practice representing a significant extension to planning practice .
3 Even if he had been so inclined it would have been extremely difficult to pursue reforms which posed a significant threat to the interests of the landed nobility .
4 Bertrams ' buyer Mike Butler said the initiative had deeply shocked him , and posed a significant threat to the long-term health of the trade .
5 Political developments in 1990 were dominated by the insurrection launched in October by armed forces of the FPR , which posed a significant threat to the Habyarimana government [ see pp. 37765-66 ; 37950-51 ] .
6 The critical chain length c is interpreted as representing the dividing point between chains which are too short to provide a significant contribution to η from entanglement effects and those large enough to cause retardation of flow by intertwining with their neighbours .
7 However , the level of both permissible earnings and of increments on deferment was too low to provide a significant disincentive to retirement — an indication of the Labour government 's ambivalence on the issue .
8 Thus , while the Government 's scheme to purchase some 20,000 properties will help reduce the overhang of unsold properties , it is unlikely to provide a significant boost to the market as a whole .
9 There too she is never considered a significant contributor to the economic needs of the family ( because labour power is not equated with real economic value ) and there too , among the farming castes , her most important economic roles are the production and servicing of labour .
10 It recognised the significant contribution to the quality of the environment made by members in the public sector .
11 We conclude that the CL100 gene and its mouse homologue represent a new subclass of mammalian PTPase in that they show no significant similarity to any human PTPase yet discovered other than the presence of the highly conserved active-site sequence .
12 Thus , as Table 5 demonstrates , the teams were the principal vehicle for residential developments in the social services department and also made a significant contribution to such activity in the voluntary sector .
13 If the Union had made a significant contribution to solving health problems , it had also unquestionably played a more significant role in awakening community action .
14 Founded in 1977 by art collector , philanthropist and businessman Jan Mitchell , the prize is awarded to authors of new books which have made a significant contribution to the study and understanding of the visual arts .
15 The Whitney Museum of American Art has established an honorary award to be given annually ‘ to an individual or representatives of an organisation who have made a significant contribution to the arts in America through a sustained commitment to the diversity , quality and originality of American artistic achievement ’ .
16 On the other hand , if tomorrow I confirm a speculative theory implying that the gravitational attraction between two bodies depends on their temperature , falsifying Newton 's theory in the process , I would have made a significant contribution to scientific knowledge .
17 Lastly , the ‘ joint venture ’ vessels , which were principally affected by the Act of 1988 , had made a significant contribution to the economic and social development of Milford Haven .
18 He might have made a significant contribution to the public life of this country had he not been totally overshadowed by his illustrious father and had he not had such a burning desire to shine as bright or even brighter .
19 Paracelsus therefore made a significant contribution to medical knowledge across a broad front .
20 The 5/ a week given in 1908 to those aged over seventy would have made a significant contribution to the pre-war family economy , but the Standing Joint Committee of Industrial Women 's Organisations and members of the Fabian Women 's Group felt that this should be weighed against the increased friction caused by an old person coming into an already overcrowded home , pointing out that elderly people 's ideas of hygiene and childrearing might not be desirable , an argument that appealed to the infant welfare movement .
21 The unanimous condemnation of marriage as a trade by the feminist movement may also have made a significant contribution to the new emphasis on marriage as a partnership .
22 Already the computer has made a significant contribution to the processing of much of the routine data generated by office staff .
23 The GASB ( 1990 ) has made a significant contribution to the problems of defining the reporting entity .
24 It will also take account of the successful introduction of DROPS — the demountable rack offloading and pickup system — which has made a significant contribution to the capability of the Royal Corps of Transport , given the quantity of stores that can be shifted with the available resources .
25 The acquisition in October 1992 of The Alta Group Inc. , a leading supplier of high purity titanium , has made a significant contribution to operating profit .
26 Publication in a high-impact factor journal such as Nature represents an acknowledgment that the work is at the cutting edge of science , and that it has made a significant contribution to that science .
27 His energy and enthusiasm have already made a significant contribution to the style and driving forward of the many issues with which the Association is involved .
28 Provision of a range of safety equipment for Marathon and new Solas standard life jackets for Chevron also made a significant contribution to the company 's business .
29 NOW entering its third year , Teesside Training and Enterprise Council has already made a significant contribution to the social and economic life of the region .
30 Had we been allowed to continue I believe we would have made a significant improvement to the path .
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